Why Young Children Love To Climb

Why young children love to climb

A new world opens up for babies when they discover that they can climb onto the sofa or any other high place. Even if they cannot walk yet,  climbing expands their possibilities of movement and therefore their ability to discover the world. 

However, despite the fact that it is wonderful and with it they can give us precious moments, it is necessary to take precautions. Babies grab anything to get up and try to climb to any elevated place. Having the furniture that can fall on top of it well anchored or keeping the surfaces where it can be climbed free of dangerous elements is essential to avoid accidents.

Climbing is a new way for babies to test their skills and a means of satisfying their curiosity, as babies gain greater control of their movements and more strength in their arms and legs. In addition to helping you strengthen your body, climbing expands children’s play possibilities.


Avoidable and unavoidable risks

When a baby begins to climb, it is normal for it to hit or fall.  It is also normal for parents to be afraid, but that does not justify preventing the child from climbing or always helping him. What parents must do is eliminate all risks, holding and anchoring furniture and leaving nothing within the child’s reach.

In addition, as soon as the baby begins to move, crawling, crawling or sliding sitting down, it must always be watched. A baby who can climb on the sofa is able to climb into a chair. If it is next to a table, the baby will be able to climb on the table. And if the chair is separated, the baby will be able to bring it closer to the table.

A ome babies, when they begin to climb, they may be able to get out of the cradle or the park. This is especially dangerous, because usually when they are left there it is because the adult in charge is confident and pays less attention while performing other tasks.

The baby should not be deprived of the developmental opportunity that climbing offers. Protecting him implies eliminating risks and adding protections where the child can harm himself, not make his work easier or deprive him of the opportunity to do things.

Climbing is an excellent way for young children to develop strength, flexibility, and balance. It is also a way for young children to learn about their environment and to gain confidence.

When they discover their potential, climbing is a thrill. Children want to show their strength and satisfy their curiosity about what is above, on a table or on the top shelf.


The nature of the young child is not to sit still

It is the nature of young children to move, discover, try and experiment. When a child does not see his needs met, he looks for how to do it. Some children can be more active than others, no doubt. But in all cases healthy children need to do things.

If every time you have the opportunity you find your child trying to get on a shelf or table, pulling up a chair to get somewhere or stacking objects to reach something high, you should not worry about his behavior. It is not a prank what he is doing. However, you should consider taking action.

The problem is not taking things out of reach, because the child will keep looking for a way to explore. That’s the problem: your child needs more action. If you give him more opportunities to move and discover new things, he will have less need to search for entertainment himself. 


Creating entertaining and safe play spaces at home, taking the child to the park or children’s leisure centers or offering manipulative activities that really attract the child’s attention are some of the available options.

But it is not necessary to complicate life much. The simple act of going outside offers the child many possibilities of movement, even climbing. Benches, low walls, stairs and other options are enough for a child to have a great time on the street. If you also have a vehicle to get around even better. You just have to look for a safe street, with wide sidewalks or pedestrian, and that is not crowded with people.

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