What To Do If My Child Has Drunk Bleach?

The safety measures to take at home to avoid domestic accidents will never be enough. Do not trust. Watch over the safety of your child.
What to do if my child has drunk bleach?

What to do if my child has drunk bleach? Running with him to the doctor, of course. But first, some maneuvers can save your life. In this article we talk about the subject.

An accident that can be avoided

There is a saying that goes: “An accident can always be avoided.”

And although accidents are not so avoidable in all cases, there are some, like the one at hand this time, that can and should be avoided.

It is no secret to anyone that the child walks around the house exploring the world around him.

Every corner, hole, closet … is extremely interesting, especially if the unknown is found within them.

The child is interested in discovering what he does not know, feeling what he has never touched and trying to see what the pen that Dad dropped on the floor and left forgotten under a piece of furniture knows; or the bright colored knob that Mom always uses and keeps in the bathroom.


One of the most common causes of poisoning during childhood is poisoning from ingestion of cleaning products. Poisons that are kept at home, on many occasions, within the reach of children.

However. If your child drinks bleach, you and your family are the only ones to blame. As hard as it may seem, you should bear in mind that no minor takes something that is not within reach.

That is why with the arrival of a baby the family nucleus must not only take steps to guarantee a crib to sleep in, clothes to wear, food, medicines, diapers, etc. It is important that you modify:
– First: Your lifestyle habits
– Second: The order within the home

If, for example, Grandpa liked to smoke while watching television; With the arrival of the baby, it should be done in the yard where the smoke does not harm the health of the new child.

Or if no one was disappointed to leave the dishes with food remains on the table in the living room after enjoying a film, with the birth of the baby and, how quickly it will develop until it begins to crawl and walk, this must be one of the habits that will need to be modified.

Baby with tantrum is restrained by his father to prevent him from injuring himself
Baby with tantrum is held by his father

If one day you find yourself in the difficult situation of warning or suspecting that your child drank bleach, you should know how to give him first aid that could mean the limit between his life and his death.

Symptoms of bleach poisoning

One of the things you must learn when you become a mother is to identify symptoms of poisoning with toxic products that can let you know that your child drank bleach. Among the most common are:
– Vomiting
– Irritations outside the mouth, tongue, gums and throat
– Mouth swelling
– Difficulty swallowing and breathing
– Excess drooling
– Skin burns

Of course, this must be added to the disconsolate crying of the child.

What to do if my child has drunk bleach?

  • Do not give him anything to eat or drink.
  • Do not induce vomiting. If your child has not vomited yet, you should not stimulate him. Contrary to what some mothers believe it is better that the toxic liquid does not return to the esophagus, throat and mouth. Well, if it happens, the damage to the digestive system could be aggravated.
  • Run as soon as possible to the nearest health center.
  • Bring the liquid and container from which the child drank.
  •  Provided the doctor can be made aware of the approximate amount of bleach ingested
  • Measure the time elapsed since the ingestion of the substance.
  • Stay calm. Although we know that it is quite difficult, this will help you to think clearly, comply with the aforementioned measures and avoid certain mistakes that desperate mothers often make trying to save their child.

Security measures to take at home

Your child will not be able to tell you how much or which bottle he drank from, or how long it has been since he drank; For this reason, it is your responsibility to remain vigilant and adopt all the security measures that will avoid fatal consequences.
– Store the bleach in a high place where he cannot reach it
Protect it inside cabinets with doors and always locked with keys
Keep the bleach in its container to avoid confusion and leave another container that contains it within reach of the child
– Every time If you use it, leave the bleach well covered so that if at any time it reaches the child’s hands, he cannot open it.

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