What Is Craniosacral Therapy For Babies?

Craniosacral therapy can be beneficial for premature infants or for those who had difficulties during delivery. We tell you its benefits and contraindications.
What is craniosacral therapy for babies?

Craniosacral therapy for babies is a work of stimulation and support of the primary respiratory movement. This therapy works the whole body since the child is in the embryonic stage. The right time to receive it for the first time is 48 hours after delivery.

How Craniosacral Therapy Is Performed For Babies

One of the basic manifestations of health is considered to be a correct cerebrospinal beat.  The correct functioning of the nervous system and the rest of the organs depends on this important pulse. This rhythm can be regulated through gentle manipulations on the head, neck and spine; this is the role of craniosacral therapy.

To carry out the therapy, the little ones are in the arms of their mother and it can even be done when they are breastfeeding. The specialist’s hands run over the baby’s body and stop at the spine and skull to release any tensions it may have.

Generally, craniosacral therapy sessions can last up to an hour; the number of sessions will depend on the severity of the problem. Parents, for their part, should inform the therapist of the changes they are observing in their child. In addition, they can apply certain treatment if the specialist requests it.

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Babies

This therapy is little known in various regions of the world. With all the benefits it brings to the development of babies, it is important to implement it, especially if you have had a complicated delivery. These are some of the most important benefits of craniosacral therapy:

  • Strengthen the bond with the baby.  Through craniosacral therapy sessions, the bond with the little one can be strengthened by finding a way to communicate with the therapist, which makes him feel more secure.
  • A premature baby is more sensitive, so these sessions allow the therapist to know what is happening physically and emotionally.
Craniosacral therapy should be recommended exclusively by the pediatrician.
  • Through therapy, you can tell if there are signs of traumatization such as dissociation, tension, crying, or irritability. Some may be more extreme cases, in which there may be hypotonia or flaccidity of the tissues.
  • Helps the baby restore order and balance, facilitating body movements. This improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid; in turn, this favors muscle, bone and internal organ flexibility. Many of the causes of nerve irritation are also eliminated.
  • It can help with other health problems, such as colic, attention deficit and / or hyperactivity disorder autism, learning disability, coordination problems, bone malformations in the back, and ear infections.

    Contraindicants of therapy

    Before carrying out this type of technique, parents should pay close attention and correctly select the professional who will perform it. A bad practice could have very negative effects on the health of the baby, such as causing serious injury or even the death of the little one.

    If the baby does not present any pain or disease and craniosacral therapy is not necessary, it is best not to resort to it. If the child has a health problem or discomfort, the first thing to do is go to your pediatrician to make the corresponding evaluations.

    Craniosacral therapy is performed on newborns with certain health difficulties.

    How many sessions are necessary?

    This therapy is recommended mainly for babies who have certain health problems. For this reason, a single session is generally required to treat the different parts of the child’s brain and spinal column.

    However, the sessions can be repeated as many times as necessary, since they are often essential for children who have back pain, muscle pain and even skull malformations.

    Parents are always present during therapy and it is essential that the child feel safe;  This will make the session easier. As previously highlighted, generally with one session the child responds well and an improvement begins to be seen, but it all depends on the severity of the case.

    If parents notice that the baby is unwell and the pediatrician recommends craniosacral therapy, it is important to remember that it should be performed by the most trained expert. Likewise, it is important that the child takes time to feel safe; the latter is an essential detail for all the progress that the little one can present during the session.

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