Vices, Enemies Of Any Pregnant Woman

Vices during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the baby. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid them at all costs, thus promoting healthy habits.
Vices, enemies of any pregnant woman

We know that vices are definitely not good, and if you are in the sweet wait, much less. Vices are the enemies of any pregnant woman. Consuming a certain substance or developing a practice may seem harmless in the short term, but when you are pregnant, it undoubtedly becomes a threat.

A vice is nothing more than a bad habit, and to be considered a habit it must be done repeatedly. It is that activity that we constantly carry out and that generates an impact on our body, on our mind and also on our emotions.

It may be that at a certain moment we are not aware that we have or fight against a vice, as it becomes so natural that we see it as another part of life.

Vices vs the health of your baby

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As they say there, all excesses are bad. Perhaps without realizing it we incur excesses that turn into vices and like all actions, they have a physical, mental and social consequence.

Recognizing that you have a vice is the first step to eradicate it from your life and that of your future family member.

A person who smokes is often judged by those who do not share the habit, although it is a socially accepted fact, but if it is a pregnant woman who does it, the rejection is evident. Sustaining a vice is a personal decision, but if it involves a defenseless life it is imperative to reconsider. It must be taken into account that many of these habits, such as tobacco, have shown very harmful effects on the health of the mother and the fetus.

When you are pregnant, the vices that we may have become the number one enemy of our baby’s development, they constitute a threat to life and much more to that of our child. It is no longer the health that is at stake but that of the person that creature that is to come.

Vices and their effects during pregnancy

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It is in your hands to have a healthy pregnancy, free of threats for you and your baby. Learning about and educating yourself about healthy habits during this stage can be of great help.

Eliminating vices will not only help to strengthen the immune system of both, it is a decision that will guarantee your vitality and well-being. Find out here some effects of vices that can affect your baby’s development.

  • Smoking. Some smokers believe that the effect of nicotine on their bodies is minimal, and therefore will not affect the baby. The truth is that tobacco generates spasms in the blood vessels and cardiac alterations in the fetus. Miscarriages, premature labor, low weight and cleft lip are just some of the consequences that smoking could bring during pregnancy.
  • Drinking alcohol. The excessive consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can generate irreversible effects, since the substance passes directly to the baby through the umbilical cord. According to specialists, alcohol intake can generate Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which includes physical and psychological problems. This is stated by a study published in Nutrients .
  • Intake of caffeine and carbonated drinks. Although it seems unlikely, caffeine has the ability to slowly metabolize and cross the placenta, which in some cases could lead to miscarriage. Also, excessive consumption of soft drinks can lead to premature delivery.

    Beware of vices during pregnancy

    Future mother, we insist that the excesses that turn into vices are the enemies of your body and that of the baby that is to come. It is clear that just a little bit of coffee will not make you abort, but consuming too much of this drink on a daily basis will leave consequences that may be irreversible.

    The key is to find the balance between what we consume and what we inevitably carry with that baby in us. As we develop healthier habits, we will be paving the way for our little one to come into the world much healthier and happier.

    Putting the well-being of our future baby above all should be the premise to get rid of all vice or bad habits. Knowing that what we do and consume today will affect our child for good or bad is fundamental.

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