The School Of Intelligence Of Augusto Cury

The School of Intelligence, based on Augusto Cury’s Multifocal Intelligence Theory, aims at the cognitive development of students through the education of the emotions and the mind.
Augusto Cury's School of Intelligence

Augusto Cury is a Brazilian psychologist and psychiatrist who reaffirms the value of teachers. According to him, teachers are the most important professional group in our societies, since they have the responsibility of educating the intelligence and creativity of students. In this way, Cury creates what he calls The School of Intelligence, which aims to place the youngest in the protagonists of their own history.

In this sense, Augusto Cury speaks of a general failure of today’s schools. The children and young people of today are being bombarded by an excess of information (without knowing, in addition, very well what to do with it), originating an enormous effort and mental energy in them. As a consequence of this, students do not learn.

The starting point: multifocal intelligence

The basis from which the School of Intelligence starts and, in general, the whole background that surrounds it, is the theory that Cury called multifocal intelligence, since it focuses on analyzing the construction of thought in multiple aspects.

For example, after having suffered humiliation in public, what will define our degree of pain will not be a single dimension or ‘focus’, as Cury calls it. Rather, it will depend on multiple factors, such as our personality, our state of mind at that moment, the type of humiliation or the place where it occurred, etc.

A child with great abilities due to the Augusto Cury School of Intelligence

In short, the Multifocal Intelligence Theory analyzes the functioning of the mind, as well as the phenomena that build emotions. In this way, it provides techniques for the formation of thinkers and skills for personal, social and professional development.

What is the Augusto Cury School of Intelligence?

In the words of Cury, the School of Intelligence consists of a pedagogy based on the development of socio-emotional skills, as well as on the knowledge of the mind and behavior.

Fundamentally, the methodology of the School of Intelligence promotes the improvement of the teaching-learning process and interpersonal relationships through the education of the emotions and the mind.

In this sense, delving into the socio-emotional issue, Augusto talks about the importance of educating students in a ‘rich emotionality’, which requires creativity and sensitivity, as well as skills such as empathy.

Little girl in the chemistry lab.

Benefits of the School of Intelligence

Thus, the School of Intelligence is an educational program that brings multiple advantages, which can only be produced through good teachers committed to their teaching. That said, what are its advantages ?:

  • Management of emotions and intelligence development.
  • Skills for building healthy relationships and conflict management.
  • The ability to combat and prevent bullying and substance use.
  • Improved school performance and learning.
  • Creative spirit.
  • Better quality of life for all the agents that participate in the teaching-learning process: teachers, parents and students.

Finally, the Augusto Cury School of Intelligence is a program designed to be implemented in educational institutions, in order to establish a culture of development of emotional intelligence and mental and social health.

The importance of emotional education

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