The Goodness Of The World Dwells In My Son’s Gaze

The goodness of the world dwells in my son's eyes

Hope embraced by goodness dances in the gaze of every little child. Illusions and always unruly curiosity dwell in the eyes of every little one … Let us allow those noble inhabitants that live inside them not to get lost, let us make these magical tenants always be in their hearts, accompanying them to maturity.

A question that psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists or philosophers have always asked themselves is whether children are born with a natural goodness and it is society itself, upbringing and the context that, on occasions, transforms this original virtue into selfishness, in the absence of empathy, thoughtlessness or aggressive behavior.

Neuroscience explains that the DNA of evil exists in only 1% of cases. The rest, the reason why there are children, adolescents and adults who show challenging and violent behaviors would undoubtedly be in the environment, in a harmful parental bond, in an education where mistreatment or deep affective deficiencies have been present.

All this makes us think that, indeed, children come into the world with a natural goodness, however, more than goodness, specialists define it as “eagerness to connect with their environment.” A child needs everything from his family, his parents, his grandparents, his family and all those agents who, with their attitude, treatment and adequate emotional intelligence, will undoubtedly enhance the best of the child.

It is a task that is undoubtedly worth investing time and effort.

Learn to enhance your child’s natural goodness

face of a girl where goodness dwells

When your baby came into the world, something that undoubtedly quickly caught your attention was his look. Later, when those eyes began to focus on you voluntarily, giving you more than one smile, you discovered that few things can be more intense, more wonderful.

It is interesting to know that the eyes, beyond being the window of our heart and emotions, are also the way in which we usually make contact with others. Thus, the child who does not look for the face of his parents even after having reached 2, 3, 4 years and the adult who avoids the gaze of his interlocutor, usually presents some type of underlying problem that must be identified.

People speak with their eyes, we look for and need each other through this channel to feel validated, to communicate affection, interest, to give attention and above all, love. Goodness then lives in those precious windows of your child, so do not hesitate, discover how you can enhance in them the value of nobility, empathy and that consideration that a baby naturally brings inside.

I will teach you to be aware of your own person

Before becoming aware of others and other people’s emotions, a child must understand himself. You need to understand what is good and what is not, where the limits are and why sometimes you feel anger, fear, frustration.

  • You must understand that when you get angry, you “don’t hit”, you don’t hit others.
  • He should be free to cry when he needs it knowing that Mom will be there to comfort him.
  • Know that everything you do and say has an impact on others.

I will teach you to control your emotions

  • Something that we must bear in mind is that teaching a child to control their emotions does not mean vetoing, it does not mean limiting ourselves to saying “don’t yell”, “don’t be angry”, “don’t cry”.
  • Instead of “no”, put a why: “why are you angry?”, “What is it that makes you cry?”

    If we promote emotional communication in the child from an early age, we will facilitate greater competence in this area.

    I will open the doors for you to know what social conscience is

    face of a child where goodness dwells

    Social conscience is born in the home itself, later it spreads to the world of school and little by little, it opens up in other environments that surround the child.

    It is in these progressive contexts where our children must demonstrate and apply their kindness, their respect, their consideration for others, their empathy and their ability to understand all those aspects that create strong bonds between people every day.

    We will be their guides, we will be their best example and that daily facilitator and enhancer that will bring out the best of their person from the child.

    Social skills

    Social skills, such as good communication or assertiveness, will give the child the ability to establish and maintain healthy, respectful and above all rewarding relationships.

    • This is how he will learn, for example, to defend himself from those other children who are bullying in schools, this is how he will serve as an example to others, how he will resolve conflicts and achieve solid and enriching friendships for him.

    Promoting kindness in our children is a daily task in which it is necessary to invest efforts, in which we can never neglect. Let us make that precious look always retain the brilliance of hope and the noblest goodness.

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