The 8 Love Phrases That You Can Repeat Tirelessly To Your Children

Discover below the importance of expressing your affection, joy and pride for your children out loud.
The 8 phrases of love that you can repeat tirelessly to your children

Throughout our lives, it is important to feel loved in order to maximize our capabilities and strengthen all those aspects to improve.

As human beings are, we need to be reassured how much they appreciate, esteem, want or love us in order to feel good. Therefore, to the extent that they love us, we will have more or less well-being.

During childhood, if we want our children to grow up emotionally healthy and strong, we must fill their lives with affection. Next we will tell you what this is really about.

Why is it important to tell them that we love them?

When we say that it is necessary to give affection to children so that they grow up emotionally healthy and happy, we mean that it is important to keep in mind the manifestation of our feelings to make the little ones feel good. Through the different expressions of affection that we seek for them, we will achieve their well-being.

It’s not about constantly saying cheesy phrases. Nor is it about going out of our way for them at all costs, since this only ends up spoiling them and can even develop in them an attitude of tyranny towards people that will not make them healthy.

The verbal expression of our affection is one of the magical ingredients in this formula. A good dose of appreciation carries with it love, understanding and acceptance.

In this sense, the so-called “positive education” suggests that through the verbal expression of affection, a child can feel not only loved but also protected.

Love phrases strengthen the little one

Here are some of the best verbal expressions of affection that you can give your children to remind them of how much they mean to you and thus contribute to their emotional well-being.

8 phrases of love for our children

  • I love you! It never hurts to reiterate what we feel for them to reinforce the affective bond that unites them.
  • You make me so happy. What better for a child than to feel that it is he who fills our home and our hearts with happiness and joy?
  • You are wonderful. Always remind him of all the good he has to give. Encourage him to continue in what he undertakes. Pick it up at every stumble. Build a golden self-esteem by transmitting confidence and letting him know his worth. Give him wings of independence and autonomy based on what he is and what he wants and can become.
  • I believe in you.  Another of the phrases of love that cannot be missed during the growth of our children. He insists that, with effort and dedication, everyone can be what they want to be in life. You just have to work for it, being disciplined, constant and persevering. It doesn’t matter if your little one ever feels like “the worst” at what he does. Remind him that you believe in him, this will give him some of the support he needs to keep going.
    It is important to verbalize our feelings to the little one
  • I am very proud of you. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important love phrases. Always be proud of every step you take, no matter how small. No matter how slow those steps are, what matters is that they are steady. In other words, expressing our pride for what they do, for who they are, strengthens them.
  • I am fully confident that you can do it. Show your little one that you have full confidence in his abilities and skills. It fuels his abilities, even when he feels defeated. Although, be careful, do not wait for the little one to feel bad to tell him. Try to tell them both in good times and bad.
  • I love to share my time with you. Attention with this assertion, because it is not only about saying it, but about fulfilling it. There is no better parenting than one that provides true quality time. By sharing time, activities and games together, the bond between the two is strengthened. In addition, it is beautiful to learn, have fun and love each other in the hands of time together.
  • I thank life for having you and for our time together.  Explain that you can’t feel more fortunate since the day you felt his first movements in your belly. Tell him there was no happier day than the one when you smelled life on his skin. You will realize that you are not the only one who is grateful for it, the little ones are also happy and are grateful to have their mother there, by their side.

As you may have seen, there are eight very simple love phrases but with unlimited potential. It’s all about being assertive and expressing our feelings to those we love.

Certainly if we can verbalize our emotions, we can provide a sweet childhood to our children. Remember, love shapes the future well-being of our children. 

The important thing about giving love to a child is that they feel it

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