The 7 Most Common Problems In Newborns

It is normal for newborns to contract certain diseases, since they are very vulnerable in every way. Keep in mind that your body still has a long way to go. 
The 7 most common problems in newborns

The most common problems in newborns can be very varied. From skin conditions to bacterial infections. In general, with an early diagnosis and treatment, they can be overcome without much trouble, but for this the attention and care of the parents will be essential.

Although most parents trust that children will be born healthy, the truth is that once they arrive in the world, they are more vulnerable than ever. Consequently, they can contract various types of illnesses during their first days or months of life.

The first days of extrauterine life of a human being pass in the middle of a whole series of physiological adaptations. Little by little, the organism will have to adapt to all the hostilities of the world and for this, it will need the care of its parents.

However, there are many complications that interfere with the tranquility of newborns, without becoming serious diseases or at least requiring treatment. In such a case, it is always important to attend to any unusual conditions, because they are so small that they can be annoying or dangerous.

Main problems in newborns

The most common problems that newborns face are several, but this time we will highlight the seven main ones:

1. Jaundice

Infant jaundice may go away on its own.

One of the most common problems in newborns is jaundice. It is a very common condition that occurs in 70% of children. 

The jaundice can appear from the 24 hours of the birth of the baby or, in the course of the first three days of life; It is produced by high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Consequently, the skin acquires a yellowish hue.

It is caused by high levels of bilirubin in the blood and does not require treatment. Under normal conditions it does not take more than 7 days to disappear. 

2. Fever

Another of the most common problems in newborns is fever. Although it is not a disease as such but a symptom, it can have dangerous consequences if treatment is not provided.

It should be clarified that it is normal for neonates to reflect a rise in temperature due to environmental conditions. In general, it is a transitory process that occurs during the first three days of life and then disappears.

In these cases the baby eats and is healthy, so it is important to keep it well hydrated; as this condition will pass without the need for medical intervention.

3. Sleep disturbance

The newborn baby’s sleep is quite regular. The little one spends the day with his eyes closed. You wake up, eat and go back to sleep soundly, so your rest is not so easily interrupted.

However, it is common that at night they do not sleep as quickly, they can spend more time active and in total lucidity, just when the parents are tired and want to sleep. This situation is normal, because it is because while he was in his mother’s womb, that was how he spent his nights.

During the day, the mother moves and this causes the baby to be rocking in her liquid, but when it is still, he wakes up. So, during the first days of life, it will have the same time schedule.

It takes at least four weeks for the newborn to get used to being awake during the day and asleep at night.

4. Vomiting or swish of milk

Vomiting is one of the most common problems in newborns. It also becomes a symptom and not a disease as such. And although it can cause alarm in new mothers, it is something normal in babies. 

After eating, almost all the little ones can give back some milk. This happens because when you suck, air enters, and when you take it out, it comes with some food.

To prevent this from being too bothersome for the child, it is important to make sure to pass gas after feeding. This air problem is not only a cause of regurgitation, but also colic and other discomforts.

5. Difficulty urinating

It is cause for concern if the baby has not urinated within 48 hours after birth. Babies usually burst into tears when they urinate because the moisture they collect in the diaper causes them discomfort. This makes it possible to detect that they have actually urinated. In total, it is normal for this to happen up to 10 times a day.

However, if the baby does not cry or wet his diaper, he could have bladder or kidney complications. On the other hand, if the baby has a narrow flow and produces a drip after urinating.

6. Inconsolable crying

Types of baby crying.

It is normal for the baby to cry a lot when he is newborn; because almost any minor annoyance can irritate him. Crying is their way of communicating.

Will cry when hungry, sleepy, or to let you know that you need a diaper change; But it is also possible that you cry over all the problems mentioned above.

If it is a loud, acute and uncontrolled cry, we could speak of an infection or problems urinating or defecating. In these cases, it must be reviewed to assess what the problem may be and provide a solution.

7. Irregularity with stools

New parents are as concerned about the color, texture, regularity, and anything else they see in their newborn baby’s stool. The normal thing is that in the first 3 days the stool is black or greenish.

It is also normal for the texture to be viscous and its frequency reaches up to 8 times a day. However, great care must be taken that the child is not constipated and that his stools are very hard, because this can cause pain or major trauma.

On the other hand, it is not normal for you to have diarrhea if your diet is exclusively based on breast milk.


In addition to being attentive and familiar with the prevention and action measures for common diseases and problems, parents should avoid taking measures without first consulting with the pediatrician. In this way, they will ensure that the baby receives the proper care and treatment.

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