Stilton Holidays, The Funniest Books For The Summer

Reviewing concepts during the summer holidays will be more fun for the little ones with the help of the Stilton characters
Stilton Holidays, the funniest books for the summer

The school year is over, and there are several months of rest and vacation ahead for the little ones. There are several activities that you can enjoy during these hot and sunny months: going to the pool or the beach, going to a camp with friends, watching television or reading a good book.

During the vacation months, on many occasions, there are no routines to perform, and the children live from day to day according to the plans that arise. However, many times,  not following a daily routine can cause boredom, one of the most feared sensations for both them and the adults around them.

How many times have we heard in a child the phrase: “I get bored” ? For this reason, and to try to alleviate this feeling, today we want to show you an activity that will help you have fun while your head continues to acquire knowledge and strengthen others already acquired during the school year.

Exercise books in summer

Many children take advantage of the time of summer vacation to make exercise books that serve to consolidate the knowledge acquired during the course.

These notebooks are essential so that children’s minds ‘do not sleep’ and continue to develop and function, albeit in a more relaxed way than during the school year.

Stilton Holidays, the funniest books for the summer.

However, at times, these notebooks are very monotonous for them by including only one exercise after another, without any other aspect that can help them escape and then have a more focused mind on learning.

Stilton vacations , guaranteed fun and learning

For all the reasons that have been said above, you should look for notebooks that, in addition to helping children learn and consolidate knowledge, also help them to have fun and enjoy themselves.

And this combination is the one that the Planeta publishing house has decided to carry out by putting Stilton Vacations on the market . These notebooks feature one of the best-known and best-selling literary characters for children: Gerónimo Stilton.

Gerónimo Stilton’s books are for children synonymous with fun, enjoyment and entering into wonderful adventures through the pages of his books. All these aspects will make you want to enjoy these notebooks too by associating them with the fantastic stories from your book collection.

We not only have Gerónimo as the protagonist of these notebooks, but also Tea Stilton. Gerónimo’s sister has her own collection of notebooks, as well as her own collection of books. Therefore, we find two different variants of these summer notebooks so that the smallest ones are the ones to choose. Let’s get to know them!

Superratonic Vacation

This first collection of notebooks features Gerónimo Stilton, who has five different notebooks in his collection. Each of them is dedicated to a different grade in primary education: from 1st to 5th grade, depending on the grade the child has completed.

Stilton Holidays, the funniest books for the summer.

Its pages will include exercises in several different subjects to review the knowledge acquired during the school year, but mixing these with more fun and enjoyable activities.

In this way, the little ones will not associate doing the notebook as an obligation in the same way that they were obliged to do their homework during the course, but as a moment of fun and disconnection.

It is also important to note that at the end of the activity book there is a small book with all the solutions to the exercises found within it.

Mission Vacations , Stilton Vacations by the hand of Tea

As we have said before, Tea Stilton and her group of adventurous friends are not far behind and also have a collection of notebooks for the summer. In this case,  the books are intended for children from 1st grade to 4th grade of the same cycle. 

The structure of the notebook is the same as that of Gerónimo Stilton with the difference that the undisputed protagonist is Tea. In addition to the solution book inside the notebook, some fragments of the books are also included. Fans of Gerónimo’s book collection will be delighted to enjoy Stilton Vacations.

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