Resources To Improve English Pronunciation

Do you want to improve your pronunciation in English and don’t know where to start? Here you will find very simple resources that the whole family will like.
Resources to improve English pronunciation

Have you ever wondered how you could improve your English pronunciation? Or how to help your children in this aspect? In general, it is easier to learn to write in another language than to start speaking it. Therefore, we have compiled some resources that will help you improve your pronunciation.

Improve English pronunciation by imitating

We all learn to speak because we hear how people communicate around us. At first it’s just about sounds, but then we create meaningful words and phrases to express our ideas.

Surely you have ever heard that the accent “sticks”. This is because our pronunciation tends to blend in with that of the people around us. If this happens to you, you are in luck, because it will be easier for you to improve your pronunciation in other languages, such as English.

Tongue twister

It would be the first step to work on pronunciation, because a new language implies new sounds. Normally, we make the mistake of adapting these new sounds to the ones we already know, when it should be the other way around.

Resources to improve pronunciation in English.

The key is to imitate the position of the mouth, tongue and lips of someone who does pronounce well. This means that you have to work on it. At first it may seem a bit forced, but little by little we get used to this new pronunciation.

Tongue twisters will always go to our weak points: they will play with very similar or complicated sounds. There is no rush to read them, the important thing is that we say them as similar as possible to how an Englishman would, so it will be necessary to vocalize a lot the first few times.


Tongue twisters are fine for learning standard pronunciation, but each person has their own accent. For example, Adele, Bruce Springsteen, and Sia speak English, but they don’t have the same accent.

Listening and, above all, singing songs by different artists will improve your understanding and pronunciation quickly. In addition, they are also a great resource for learning new expressions and vocabulary words.

Improve English pronunciation with the internet

Why not make the most of a tool as useful as the internet? There are many applications, games and programs to choose from. It’s just a matter of trying the ones that best suit you and your children.

Initial level

The application that hooks young and old is undoubtedly Duolingo. It is so intuitive that you will learn English from scratch without realizing it. His exercises of listening and recording how you read the same phrase until it turns green are very simple and will not take you more than a few minutes. Of course, you have to be constant.

Tongue twister

We propose two applications to improve English pronunciation using tongue twisters. In both you have the possibility to listen to the tongue twister as many times as necessary, but they also have their differences.

  • Tongue Twisters for English: This will be a great first step to start improving your pronunciation. The tongue twisters are short and very intuitive. When you record your voice, it points out the words that you have pronounced well and those that you have not, a characteristic that makes the difference. Who will get the most green words?
  • Tongue Twisters Deluxe: a challenge for the most daring. It is advisable to have a certain command of English before using this application, as it does not have the option to record the voice. However, it has different levels of difficulty so that you improve progressively. 


    Don’t pretend that you don’t want to know what your favorite songs are saying in English. Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of practice, and if you have the lyrics, music and video, what could possibly go wrong?

    Resources to improve pronunciation in English.

    Lyricstraining is the best option for you to improve your pronunciation with songs. It has it all: a wide repertoire with a multitude of songs by different artists and classification according to their difficulty, genre, language and the artist’s country of origin.

    In addition, you can follow the lyrics in karaoke mode or fill in the missing words to improve your hearing and writing. On the other hand, the video will help you to vocalize better and the pronunciation to be more natural.

    Improve English pronunciation on demand

    Movies, series, interviews, podcasts … Any program you can imagine has never been as accessible as now. On platforms like Netflix, HBO or YouTube you have content in original version and with subtitles, so choose, listen and repeat!

    Exercises to improve pronunciation in English

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