Prepare Your Child To Love

Prepare your child to love

Loving is the quality of man that makes us more human. It is a feeling of the heart of our species that is his, just as his are the arteries, the blood … We are all born with the gift of love and at the same moment that we open our eyes to the world, even though we are blind, we notice love in the maternal arms that welcome us.

But even when we are loved and are able to feel the same, not all of us know how to do it, or do it well.

Prepare your child to love as you educate him to behave in society, learn to read and write. Do not underestimate the feeling that will bring you the most happiness.

If it takes a while to raise your head, walk without falling, speak or hold the pencil, see to it that love is never one of those matters that it has a hard time overcoming. Make him love and seek to be loved more than anything in life.

Love as the beginning of all things

Without love life does not advance. There is no company, task, or dream on earth that does not require human love to bring it to fruition.

In mother-child emotional matters, love is in:

  •  The care we dedicate to the baby 24 hours a day. When we cover his vital needs, we offer him our affection, we encourage him to babble, crawl, stand up. We take care of your illnesses, we remove the gases, we go to your crying and we do everything to provide you with the best emotional stimuli that develop your brain.
  • The time we spend with our son, the games we share together, the tasks we help him overcome, the advice we give him. It is love, the security and affection that we provide, how hard we work to sustain it financially, how we educate it and transmit the best values ​​to it.

    If we talk about self-love, we cannot forget:

    • The respect we have for ourselves
    • How we watch over our health and are always attentive to the warning messages that the body transmits to us
    • We get rid of negative emotions: selfishness, envy, greed, ingratitude … and we try to build our happiness and inner peace.

    To refer to love for others, of course, we must talk about:

    •  Tolerance towards the characteristics and behaviors of others Love as a couple
    •  Respect for our equals
    •  The acceptance of the diversity of character and the way of thinking of each one. Altruism, empathy and sensitivity towards the problems of others.

      Two ways to teach a child to love

      When you read this statement, you may consider that it is too much to teach to love someone who by pure nature is already conditioned to do so. However, as we mentioned at the beginning, not all people know how to love.

      There can be several ways to teach a child to love and to show him what love is. At you are mom we consider these two as the most prevalent.

      1. Teach your child to love through the word.
      2. Introduce him to the wonderful world of silent love.

      Mother and daughter on grass

      Teach him to love through the word

      To love through the word is to know how to use the language to form the best phrases of affection. Give encouragement when someone needs it, praise and applaud through the most condescending paragraphs the achievements and skills of others.

      When you teach your child to love through the word, you instill in him how well optimistic phrases do towards others, those that convey praise, hope, good wishes.

      The child who learns to be courteous and uses sincerity and the best feelings to make those around him feel good and tell them how much he loves them is perfect.

      Introduce him to the wonderful world of dumb love

      The love that is transmitted through affection, caresses, hugs, kisses, handshakes, is more effective than the word itself.

      Whoever loves well shows it to you through the language that his body transmits. Expressions of love speak louder than words because attachment, tenderness, admiration cannot be disguised when someone feels good and loves another person.

      Preparing your child to love means teaching him all of this.

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