Prenatal Stimulation: Techniques And Benefits

Prenatal stimulation: techniques and benefits

One of the best moments of pregnancy is when you notice your baby. Did you know that there are techniques that you can put into practice to stimulate your baby? Don’t miss out on all about prenatal stimulation and its many benefits.

The first kick is usually one of the key moments for any pregnant woman. You go from knowing that your baby is in there to fully feeling it. From that moment on you will not stop noticing him, and his movements, although sometimes uncomfortable, will be a sign of tranquility for you.

Prenatal stimulation is based on the idea of ​​accompanying the baby, stimulating their different senses as they develop. Thus, you strengthen your child on a sensory, emotional and motor level, while creating moments of intimate relationship between you.

It is recommended to be more constant in stimulation exercises from the second trimester of pregnancy until the end of it, but some, such as tactile stimulation, can be started almost from the beginning of pregnancy.

Benefits of prenatal stimulation

The benefits of practicing prenatal stimulation are many. Pregnancy can be very long, but if you take advantage of each day to perform the appropriate exercises, time will pass without you noticing.

Here are some  reasons that will convince you to include prenatal stimulation techniques in your daily routine .

  • They help you connect directly with your baby . You will see that what you do directly stimulates your baby and you will feel that deep connection with him.
  • They favor the development of the baby’s senses . Each exercise is focused on a sense and its specific development, so it helps each one to be stimulated in the most appropriate way.
  • They give you peace of mind . Noticing how your baby reacts to each exercise considerably lowers your levels of concern about his health. It’s there and you feel it.
Prenatal stimulation can be done with different exercises focused on the different senses of the baby.

Prenatal stimulation techniques

The following prenatal stimulation exercises are each related to a sense, so it is best to alternate each one from day to day.

In this way, neither you nor your baby will get bored practicing. Remember that the more you enjoy yourself, the more your baby will enjoy.

Visual stimulation . From about the fourth month, your baby will be able to enjoy his visual system to the fullest, reacting to visual stimuli.

  • Let the sun shine directly on your tummy , the light will enter softly through all the layers until it reaches the baby.
  • Make different games with flashlight lights . Turning on or off, to attract your baby’s attention and provoke his response.

Auditory stimulation . From week 14 it will be more effective, but you can do it from the beginning of pregnancy.

  • Talk to your baby . Do not stop talking to him so that your voice is the best encouragement he can receive.
  • You can put soft music on him, it will calm him down .
  • Walk through nature. The sounds that nature provides are stimuli for your baby.
  • Play with different instruments . Solo piano melodies or soft percussions with flamenco drums or cajons may provoke different reactions in your baby.

Tactile stimulation . The importance of caresses comes from the womb, especially from the sixth or seventh week.

  • You can experiment with different textures on your skin , like a pen, or a brush.
  • Stroke your belly , using your fingers alternately or all at once.
  • Massage your tummy . By exerting different degrees of pressure, your baby will react.
  • Respond to the baby’s movements. When he moves, he puts pressure on the area where he has exerted it . It will be the perfect interaction between the two.
Eating certain foods can cause prenatal stimulation.

Motor stimulation . Your baby will move as you change positions, so try changing positions. Around week 10 it will begin to be noticed.

  • The prenatal yoga is very good for this type of stimulation.
  • Try different poses at home. Try switching sides in bed or standing belly down if you are standing up.

Eating certain foods, such as chocolate, can also make your baby respond. However, do not abuse these foods, since it is not advisable to seek their maximum level of activation.

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