Play Therapy: His Great Work With Hospitalized Children

The main objective of the Juegaterapia foundation is that hospitalized children can have fun and disconnect from their illness.
Play therapy: his great work with hospitalized children

Do you know the Juegaterapia foundation? This non-profit organization tries to help hospitalized children get through this tough and difficult stage in the best possible way. How do they do it? Promoting gambling and entertainment in hospitals!

Do not forget that these little patients are still children who deserve to have a happy childhood, full of color and fun. And this is exactly what the Juegaterapia foundation aims to do. Do you want to know more about this wonderful initiative? Get to know all the projects they have underway!

The Juegaterapia Foundation: its great work with hospitalized children

The Juegaterapia Foundation was born in 2010 with the purpose of collecting video consoles and video games so that sick children from different hospitals could enjoy their use.

Quickly, the great benefits that this brought to the little ones were observed, because, for a moment, they forgot about the disease they suffered and the treatment they had to undergo, and they focused only on playing what they liked.

Child admitted to a hospital, but entertained thanks to the Juegaterapia foundation.

Little by little, the organization grew and acquired a certain relevance at the national and international level. For this reason , the projects they develop are more and more varied, with the intention of making the lives of hospitalized children a little more joyful and easier.

Currently, the Juegaterapia foundation is in charge of:

  • Fill hospitals with consoles and games  so that children have resources with which to have fun.
  • Raising money through the sale of BabyPelones, small dolls with the scent of vanilla, which are characterized by the original headscarves. This makes visible and normalizes the appearance of children with cancer.
  • Build kindergartens on the roofs of hospitals, where the little ones can go out and enjoy the outdoors.
  • To transform some of the disused rooms of the hospitals into movie theaters for children.
  • Convert some hospital rooms into “lunar stations”, that is, rooms decorated with motifs related to the universe, in which children can spend isolated periods of time without being overwhelmed or bored.
  • Paint and decorate the corridors of hospitals, so that they have a lot of color and a touch of magic.

Improve children’s lives in the hospital

Being admitted to a hospital is hard for any patient, but especially for those who are in the infant stage. Suddenly, hospitalized children see their opportunities for leisure and freedom limited, which greatly affects their mood and, consequently, their overall development. But thanks to the great work of the Juegaterapia foundation, this is changing.

Mother with her daughter during her admission to the hospital.

Hospitals should not be synonymous with boredom or sadness, quite the opposite. You have to create spaces in which the little ones feel comfortable and in which they can socialize, play, entertain themselves, etc., just like anyone of the same age.

How to collaborate with Juegaterapia?

Now that you know the great work that the Juegaterapia foundation does, would you like to collaborate with them? If so, you can choose to:

  • Buy BabyPelones, the solidarity dolls.
  • Donate video game consoles and games.
  • Make financial donations.
  • Become a member of the Foundation.
  • Volunteer and get directly involved with their work.

    With any of these simple gestures, you can do your bit so that children who are admitted to the hospital for a long period of time are a little happier.

    Likewise, we invite you to access their website and learn in depth about the fantastic work that the Juegaterapia foundation does under the premise play cure!” .

    To those little superheroes who fight childhood cancer

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