Organizational Tips For Large Families

Organizing Tips for Large Families

Organizing for large families can be a utopia; however, it is the beginning of a harmonious coexistence.

You have to know that when you live in an organized environment where all its members know how and when to act, an almost magical well-being is achieved.

If you have one, two, three or more children and you want to achieve this, at you are a mom we advise you how to proceed.

Your children are responsible for their rooms

Your children should know that they are responsible for maintaining order and cleanliness in their rooms.

If they are small they will not be able to help much, but teaching them to put their socks inside their shoes when they go to get into bed is already a good example of organization.

This teaching will increase as the children get older.

Tidy up their beds, put dirty clothes in a basket, shake the nightstands…; anyway.

Every mother knows to what extent her child is able to maintain order in her room.

Toys in the same room


If there is enough space at home, it is recommended that children have a room just to play. There they can have their toys.

Mom and Dad should provide shelves, shelves, and even cardboard boxes where they can put their supplies.

Children must be taught that even when during the day the dolls can leave their places and stay on the floor …

That even when the playroom is a complete disorder because that is how the little ones at home like it …

Every time the game is finished and it is time to go to sleep, each of the objects must return to its position.

But if for some reason there is no spacious area and children play anywhere, the rules in this regard should be much stricter.

Adults must define in which places it is possible to play. It is also essential that they make minors understand the importance of orderly disorder.

Belongings on their sites

For many families, especially during times of crisis, having enough space inside the house is a luxury.

There is not always a room for each child, so two and three siblings must share the same room.

If that is your case, pay attention to what we are going to tell you.

The space and, above all, respect for the spaces of others, is a matter of family conflict.

That is why it is important for each child to know that within the room each one will have a bed, a shelf or at least one drawer that will only be his and that others must respect just as he will also respect that of others.


Schedules must be respected

Mom, if your family is large, you should know that a good way to implement order within the home is to respect the schedules.

The same for eating (breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner), cleaning the house, completing school homework and any other task should have a fixed schedule which must be met.

Responsibilities with common spaces must be shared among all

The responsibilities within the nucleus, like any other duty, must be commensurate with the age of the minor.

It is known that a 2-year-old child cannot take garbage bags outside the home but can, for example, help place the canned goods on the shelf that is level with the floor when doing the weekly shopping.

This little one won’t be able to pick up the cutlery from the table either, but he can help carry the napkins.

In short, each one, according to their age, physical and mental capacity, must contribute with the responsibilities of the home and know the importance that this has within the family order.

Common areas, as common as they are, belong to all members, and everyone must contribute to them.

Opinions, one after the other, are taken into account

Not because your youngest child is the youngest should be ignored when making decisions within the family.

Everyone, as members at the end of a nucleus, has the right to be heard and taken into account. If someone speaks, others should listen to him and pay attention to what he says.

You must give that teaching to your children and fulfill it fully.

The organization, even in the issuance of opinions, ensures the union and happiness of a family.

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