One Kilo Per Month, Another Pregnancy Dogma

An inadequate diet can lead the pregnant woman to gain more weight than recommended during pregnancy. This could condition the appearance of gestational diabetes.
One kilo per month, another pregnancy dogma

Pregnancy itself is defined by a lot of beliefs that sometimes make it more complex; Having to “eat for two” and adapt all our eating routines is not without speculation. Nowadays, many women have been subjected to diets to carry their pregnancy, but sometimes gynecologists themselves have been quite strict in dogmas such as “one kilo per month”.

The idea is to distribute nine kilos in nine months, an initiative that some doctors do not miss at each check-up. A pregnant woman should gain only one kilo per month according to some theories, which is why weighing in has become almost a nightmare for pregnant women. Having gained more than a kilogram than required can mean a scolding from the doctor, which is why some women lie about their weight or go on harsh diets.

However, most specialists agree that the ideal figure does not exist in these cases, there are many factors that affect weight gain during pregnancy and not all are the same in all women. In any case, the dogma of one kilo per month is rather symbolic, since the amount of weight that a pregnant woman can gain differs in all of them ; however, specialists consider that a similar calculation is used.

Should we worry about gaining only one kilo per month?

The gynecologist at the San Carlos University Clinical Hospital in Madrid, Patricia Soler, affirms that one kilo per month is a simplified figure, which would be ideal but is not possible with exactness. A woman can hardly gain only nine kilos during pregnancy, some will gain less than that and others more than double.


Exceeding the magical figure of one kilo per month for nine months is easier than not doing it. When the pregnancy reaches term, each mother will have doubled the volume of her uterus, will carry a baby with a specific weight, will have accumulated fats and liquids, in addition to the weight corresponding to the amniotic fluid.

It is inevitable that a future mother gains constant weight during pregnancy and everything will depend on the particular characteristics of each one. So it is not a cause for concern to exceed a little weight, and for cases where the increase is excessive, specialists will have their own recommendations.

Gynecologists warn that in each consultation they can identify possible problems with weight, this also allows to highlight other complications. For example, a woman who increases her weight considerably could be presenting a very high level of fluid retention, something of clinical concern. There is certain evidence that gaining excessive weight could negatively affect the pregnancy process.


Diabetes, a frequent enemy

Another possible cause for concern is the development of gestational diabetes, a condition that is precisely heralded by being overweight. In this sense, the dogma of one kilo per month is present when trying to prevent the emergence of health problems related to the weight of the pregnant woman; but it does not mean that it has to be carried out with such severity.

According to Josefina Ruiz Vega, director of the Medical and Psychological Center for Preparation for Maternity,  the reasons for worry are justified when the extra kilos exceed the limits ; however, it is not a reason for mothers themselves to demand too much on this issue. Sometimes the stubbornness to comply with this rule leads many women to neglect their nutrition. Avoiding consuming protein or eating improperly for fear of gaining weight is a risk factor.

Ruiz Vega ensures that errors in eating to a large extent lead to the appearance of cases of excess or lack of weight. This decision can affect the fetus. Eating for two or increasing the doses of meals due to pregnancy is as serious as reducing them or following strict diets.

Keep in mind that, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences , gestational diabetes is a relatively common disorder that complicates the course of pregnancy. It is more likely to appear when you were already overweight in the past.

Weight is not always increased by one kilo per month during pregnancy

A balanced diet that accompanies us for nine months could bring us closer to the right weight and we may be lucky enough to reach the desired figure of one kilo per month. The extremes could be dangerous in these cases, there may be a risk of pregorexia, a disease capable of bringing serious consequences to the fetus and the mother.

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