Montessori Method To Remove The Diaper

Montessori method to remove the diaper

The philosopher María Montessori  has left us important tools for the upbringing and education of children. With her knowledge, she has sought to help us improve various aspects of motherhood. This time we are going to talk about his method of removing the baby’s diaper.

As we know, the process of ending diaper use takes time and dedication. There are different methods to carry out this task, which have constancy and patience in common. The main challenge at this stage is to get a quick adaptation, but as we are not experts it can take a long time.

Children usually get through this process without trauma. In this regard, the worst that can happen is that we have to clean too much. However, it is advisable not to pressure them, to give them their time to adapt, in order to avoid possible psychological damage.

How do you know if the Montessori method is going to work?

Not surprisingly, the Montessori method has promoted quite a few achievements worldwide. This specialist seems to have achieved remarkable effectiveness in her approaches. However, the result of the application of his method to remove the diaper will depend on our execution.

In the same way, it is very important that we wait for the right moment. All children are different and learn at a personalized rate. Once the child is ready and we are ready, the method seems to work better.

For the author of the method, it is advisable to respect the child’s personal process. Therefore, the flashes of autonomy that it reveals will be our warning signal. In time, he will begin to adjust to his surroundings. However, in the face of the main signs of independence, it is our duty to provide the context so that it can achieve it by itself.

Tips from Maria Montessori to remove the diaper

María Montessori makes us a proposal based on the autonomy of the little one. Sometimes parents want to get ahead of the process. For various reasons, we expect the baby to put off the diaper before he is ready to do so.

However, the philosopher considers that it is very necessary that we respect her process. That is, it is advisable to wait for him while we offer him tools to achieve the goal. The main tips of his method are as follows.

Age is not enough

Even if the child is the age we think is appropriate to remove the diaper, this does not show that he is ready. Most theories on this issue state that after two years, the diaper must be removed.

However, the Montessori method suggests that the moment is when the baby is physiologically trained to control his sphincters. Age may be related to this type of maturity, but it is not precise. This is not something learned from scratch, it requires a preparation of your system.

The season of the year does not influence

Sometimes we wait for the season of the year indicated according to our calculations. For example, in summer the baby wears less clothes and it is not cold enough to be cleaned frequently.

However, although in winter we are concerned about the humidity that remains with it; if this is the moment, you have to take advantage of it. Be it winter or summer, we can take advantage of the autonomy that is showing at that time.

Provide a suitable environment

Montessori explains that to take advantage of his autonomy, it is important that the baby does not feel that he must depend on others to solve his problem. Since we are offering him his training, he must know what he needs to go to the bathroom.

If you have a urinal, a step to use the toilet or an adapter; you must find them at hand. When you understand that you feel like it and can go on your own, it will be easier for you to go if everything is prepared.

Be attentive to their gestures

It is advisable to avoid sitting on the toilet out of obligation. It is common for parents to apply the technique of leaving him sitting as punishment until he does his need.

Instead Montessori proposes that we be aware of the gestures that warn that he wants to go to the bathroom. Also, let’s try to ask them frequently if they need to urinate or defecate.

Avoid the reward system

The adaptation process should be natural and that is how the baby should see it. It is not about a special action, a talent or a mission that deserves to be rewarded. We can ignore the prizes, because we need this to be a new step in their development. Until then you will have acquired a certain maturity, which is why you need to be aware of the normality of the supposed achievement.

Don’t berate him

If the child knew exactly what to do in these cases, we would not be talking about this topic. How do you expect him to change a habit of his whole life from one day to the next? He knows no other way to pee or poop than in his diaper. Therefore, the leaks are going to be continuous and unstoppable.

In this sense, we should be patient, be loving and not get angry at their apparent clumsiness. In this process, motivation towards achievement must prevail. Let us try to play down the event, instructing it without reprimands and without causing a major fuss.

It is not a one day challenge

If we consider adapting it to leave the diaper, it is not convenient that we assume it as a challenge of an exact period. There are some methods that pose the removal of the diaper in three days or a week. However, as we know, in nature nothing is precise.

Let’s treat this process naturally, without pressure or imposition. Let’s apply the subtlety that the baby deserves in all its activities. Let’s avoid planning to finish the process in a certain number of days, you will see how you remove a lot of stress.

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