Lack Of Parental Authority

The discipline that children should have at home has nothing to do with the use of punishment, voices or arguments between parents and children. The lack of authority in parents is not recommended for the ideal cognitive development of minors.
Lack of parental authority

The society in which we live is based on a set of rules of coexistence. From a young age, the rules of conduct are learned through different methods. Currently, there are transgressions on the part of infants that fall on the idea of ​​the lack of parental authority.

There are many common situations, such as raising the tone of voice, running in public places or throwing objects to the ground in a defiant way that are considered serious misconduct by children.

Culture is dynamic, as should be the mechanisms of authority towards the child. It should not be forgotten that it is the new generations that often point the way to positive change.

Children’s behaviors and parental lack of authority

Behavioral guidelines and permissions toward a certain action are two pillars of filial authority. Families are constantly questioning what to leave and what not to let the little ones do. Authority is often confused with abuse of power, which creates unwanted situations.

First, you have to understand what is maternal and paternal authority. Psychologists and pediatricians more in tune with new childhoods suggest respectful treatment of children. Starting from the basis of love, solidarity and respect, authority becomes one more gift that is given to children.

In other times, authority was considered the exclusive exercise of the father. In this way, his arrival home was synonymous with fear and lack of affection. Currently, one thinks not so much about the lack of parental authority as about the lack of dialogue within the family.

Positive reinforcement is always the best method. It is not about giving orders, but about connecting with the child’s feelings. Each stage of growth demands its own limits; Parents must respectfully follow each process.

Families are constantly questioning what to leave and what not to let the little ones do.

Necessary rules and arbitrary rules

Considering today’s society focused almost exclusively on adult life, it is difficult for a child to understand the norms. For some parents, letting a newborn baby cry all night is a way of exercising authority. This occurs because of the despotic education received perhaps in his own childhood.

Pediatric psychologists propose to establish coexistence agreements in each home. In this way, one would not talk so much about the lack of parental authority but about the lack of family contracts. Children need to know that their actions will have consequences, and that they are responsible for their actions.

Along these lines, it is out of date to speak of conduct disorders in children . Society as a whole must care for the education of childhood with love. The existence of cities where the rules of coexistence are respected and spaces include children, would be a collective way of thinking about the issue.

Coexistence guidelines for families

To establish coexistence agreements between the family, the age of the children should always be considered. Likewise, each adult must carry out a deep self-examination and recognize the authoritarianism instilled by society from an early age.

Another respectful education proposal is one in which the rules do not carry an emotional charge. It is not a personal question, but rather to understand the learning process of each action. The phrase ‘you misbehaved’ upsets an action from subjectivity and adds a negative meaning to the norm or authority.

The lack of authority of the parents is questioned from an adult and old-fashioned perspective.

The rules of the game

The lack of authority of the parents is questioned from an adult and old-fashioned perspective. From a playful perspective, you can think of coexistence as a game. That game, of course, will have its own rules.

Using the game as a method, breaking one of those rules will mean some unwanted event. Punishment is not necessary, but it is clear what will not happen if a limit is crossed.

These new pedagogies leave behind empty and authoritarian notions in parenting. Today’s fathers and mothers do not want to repeat those painful and unfair situations from their own childhoods.

The authority of fathers and mothers is today a loving and respectful accompaniment of children’s growth. Its purpose is nothing more than to help them form values ​​and give them tools to have a healthy life.

Are you letting go of your authority as a parent?

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