It Is Easier To Raise Strong Girls Than To Repair Broken Women

Don’t let your daughter grow up feeling that she must be docile and submissive to be loved. Teach her to have a voice and to trust herself above all else.
It's easier to raise strong girls than to repair broken women

What girl never dreamed of being a princess? Many of the little girls find in these protagonists of their favorite movies and books an inspiration and a reference for their own lives. However, this conception of women leaves our little ones without tools to face life. Strong girls begin to be created from childhood.

Unfortunately, gender roles and stereotypes are still ingrained in society. Many times, without being aware of it, we send our daughters unfortunate messages that will remain etched in their minds, shaping their personality from within.

The little princess of the house

Practically from birth, children receive certain commands more or less clear than what is expected of them. Despite the fact that the situation is changing and more and more parents do a great job of conscious parenting with their children, there are still certain ideas that harm the development of infants.

Those most affected by these beliefs are usually girls. Since they were little, the idea is transmitted to them that to be good they have to be docile, obedient and sweet. To fulfill what is expected of them, they must use a soft and discreet tone of voice and manner; they cannot yell, complain, or express aggression.

From their earliest childhood, they are praised for their physical appearance, they are told how beautiful they are but not how intelligent, strong or brave we consider them. It is more important to wear beautiful clothes and hairdo than to let out their true essence.

It is easier to raise strong girls than to repair broken women.

Consequences of raising princesses

What at first glance may seem like an unimportant comment is penetrating the unconscious of our girls, transferring the idea that their value is based on their physical appearance. That his greatest quality is self-denial and gentleness, and that any attempt to express anger or disagreement will be censured.

When this girl grows up, she will become a woman afraid to defend her own rights. Setting limits, saying no, making decisions, will be terrifying acts for her, because she will feel that, if she does, the people around her will stop loving her. On many occasions, you will be a dependent person and unable to put yourself first.

This can lead to abusive relationships, whether in a relationship, friendship or in the workplace. But above all it will produce in them great dissatisfaction and a certain impotence, since they will not feel free or capable. They will find themselves prey to imposed canons of beauty and a way of life, and they will feel that they do not have the strength to challenge them.

By the time they become aware of what is happening to them, they will have wasted much of their life being unhappy and possibly will need professional help to rebuild their self-esteem and find their power.

Therefore, it is really important to start providing our little ones with the necessary tools to grow up safe and empowered. It is easier to raise strong girls than to repair broken women.

It is easier to raise strong girls than to repair broken women.

How to raise strong girls?

  1. Show him references that promote a healthy and complete image of women. Through stories and movies, you can bring your daughter wonderful stories of brave and capable women to draw inspiration from.
  2. Build your self-esteem with dedication. Make sure you give him the opportunity to try and fail, to learn in all areas of life. Self-esteem is created through actions and self-improvement;  words are useless if they are not backed by facts. Empty praise does not create self-esteem.
  3. Pay attention to nurturing all of your daughter’s qualities. If you want to compliment her, don’t always tell her how pretty she is; better express how funny you are. Praise his intelligence or how good he is at math. Emphasize her bravery or the big heart she has.
  4. Encourage her to speak up and stand up for herself. Allow me to disagree. Listen and value their opinions and never suppress, restrict or invalidate their feelings.
  5. Be an example for her. Take care of your own self-esteem, your words and your actions. Try to be yourself a free and complete woman who lives without fear and who pursues her goals. Do not be a sample of a self-sacrificing and sad woman, but of a strong and happy adult.
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