In Which Month Are The Most Children Born In Spain?

Do you want to know in which month the most children are born in Spain? In the next article we are going to find out. 
In which month are more children born in Spain?

Children are the present and the future of our country. So, among other things, it seems interesting to know in which month of the year the most children are born in Spain. So in the next article we are going to remove the daisy to get to know it exactly. Take note and find out below!

And, if you have ever wondered in which season of the year more children are born, the most obvious thing is to think that children are born during all months of the year. However, it is currently in winter when more children are born in Spain. Specifically, January has been the month of 2018 in which more children have been incorporated into the family structures of our country, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics.

Taking into account that 9 months are needed for the complete and correct development of the photo, this figure estimates that it is during the months of April when future parents are looking for pregnancy with more desire. Certainly, this may mean that the arrival of spring and the rise in temperatures in Spain encourage the arrival of the little ones and their procreation.

Likewise, you should not forget that social and economic changes affect the most intimate, and this affects the family nucleus. In fact, the reality is that the birth rate changes and has changed over time, and the months with the most births have been exchanged throughout the ages due to the different social contexts that surround procreation.

January, the month in which more children are born in Spain in 2017

To know the month in which the most children are born in Spain in 2017, we have to turn again to the INE statistics. The agency confirms that  391,930 children were born in Spain in 2017, which represents 4.5% less than in 2016. Of the total, 202,478 were men and 190,703 were women, representing 51.49% and 48.50%, respectively.

In which month are more children born in Spain?

Therefore, the month of 2017 in which the most children were born in Spain was January, with a total of 230,658 births. However, you should know that not all the data are positive, since the number of births has decreased by 4.23%, compared to the previous year. In fact, it should also be noted that the number of births registered in Spain in 2017 is the lowest since 1999.

What happened from 2000 to 2016?

Thanks to the data provided by the INE, we can know exactly which months were the highest births of children in Spain during the years 2000 and 2016. Broadly speaking, it may appear that the distribution of births is fairly even. However, we can get some pretty significant conclusions.

If we put the magnifying glass on these data of this strip of more than 15 years that includes children who belong to generation Z, it allows us to know that the months of October and September are the months where more children were born during these years. And, as you will see below, the figures speak for themselves.

In the period of time consulted, a total of 671,405 births were carried out in the month of October. September appears as the second month in which more children joined the family structures, with a total of 664,244. Third, the hot month of July appears and its 658,424 births. In contrast, the last positions in this ranking of births between 2000 and 2016 are held in June, April and February, with a total of 620,377, 618,680 and 581,228 births, respectively.

In addition, the INE data also confirm that the birth rate in Spain is plummeting in recent years. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, social and economic factors affect the most intimate. In fact, job instability and precariousness, the lack of aid or the difficulty of reconciling personal and professional life, are some of the most determining factors.

In which month are more children born in Spain?


In any case, this translates into a decrease in births in our country and an increase in the age of mothers at the time of conceiving. Currently, the age at which women are mothers has reached the figure of 32 years.

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