If The Baby Cries Insistently, He May Have Colic

If the baby cries insistently, he may have colic

If a baby cries insistently, he may have colic. Many children tend to suffer from colic during the first months of their life and from time  to time they burst into tears in a disconsolate way, even after being in their mother’s arms. If you notice that your little one is one of those, rule out that colic is not affecting him, and if that is the case, alleviate his condition.

Here’s how to do it.

Detect if your child suffers from colic

Mom, colic are stomach contractions that are often accompanied by pain.

To detect if your baby cries because he has colic, you just have to observe him:

  • The baby continues to cry even when you hold him, caress him, talk to him, gently shake him, bring him close to breastfeed him, rock him, take him out to the patio, warm him, change his diaper, check that his clothes do not constrict or that some insect has bitten him …
  • The disconsolate crying usually appears at certain times, especially in the evenings-nights
  • The belly swells and hardens slightly. Your child clenches his fists more and shrinks his legs a lot. He stiffens, flushes, and flinches while screaming like he’s having a tantrum (which he’s not)
  • Suddenly starts crying. It can be carried, lying in the crib, or listening to you, even asleep, and without more or more breaking into tears
  • The crying lasts half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half …
  • He suddenly calms down and after a few seconds he cries again as before
  • Can’t get to sleep. As soon as you sleep it wakes up crying

Relieves your colic

To alleviate colic there are some medications that your pediatrician can prescribe, others are freely available. In any case, check with him the medicine and the frequency to administer it.

It is important that both find the origins of this type of discomfort because it may be certain foods that you are eating and that you are transmitting to your child through milk. You may also be overeating or breastfeeding less often than recommended.

It will also be the pediatrician who will rule out other health problems that trigger the annoying colic. But well, if your child is one of those who has a lot of colic and, in general, they are long-lasting, you can opt for some exercises that will help him a lot.

  • Place a warm blanket over the hot thing on his tummy
  • Be very patient with him and give him love. Comfort him, hug him, jump him while he is leaning on your shoulder, kiss him … keep in mind that he feels bad and that is when he needs more of your help and attachment
  • Try bathing it. If your baby is not one of those who cries as soon as he sees the water and on the other hand, he likes to get wet, take him to the bathtub and wet his feet to see if he accepts that you give him a “dip” with warm water. The warm water will relax you and help you decongest your tummy. The activity will also keep you entertained
  • Carry it vertically with the head resting on your shoulder. Run your hand up his back to try to remove the gases that bother him
  • It is not recommended that you feed him at that time. But if you see that she accepts the breast and thus calms down, go ahead! The most important thing is to remove her discomfort and having you so close, receiving the precious milk and the heat that you give her, she may feel better.
  • There are children who calm down with movement and noise. He may stop crying if you open the window and let the bustle of the city in, or take him out for a ride in the car. Try this to see if it works for you.

If a baby cries insistently, he may have colic

Colic in babies usually appears after three weeks of age and can spread, although it does not happen in most, until they are 3 months old. After this time they should disappear.

Anything goes to calm a child’s colic. There is no exact formula that tells you: “Put this to the test and you will see that your child calms down.” Only by observing and making use of the experience that you add every day, you can help him feel better.

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