How To Treat Flatus During Pregnancy?

The different changes that the pregnant woman’s body undergoes throughout the gestation period give rise to various types of discomfort. Among them is flatus during pregnancy, caused by an accumulation of gases that will put pressure on the female uterus. How can it be prevented and treated?
How to treat flatus during pregnancy?

Flatus during pregnancy, also called flatulence, is a problem suffered by most women. It occurs, among other things, due to the multiple changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy.

The body of the future mother secretes a hormone that slows down the digestive system for nine months. So what will happen is that the gases are not removed quickly and accumulate in excess; This accumulation will generate discomfort and discomfort due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines.

The discomfort caused by flatus has a direct impact on a woman’s way of life, since it forces her to change habits or daily routines to find a solution to this problem. For all this, eating a healthy diet or adjusting to a new diet during pregnancy is a very important issue.

Healthy habits to treat flatus during pregnancy

In order to combat this problem, it is essential that women eat adequate food. A diet that contains fiber, accompanied by abundant consumption of water, will calm the discomfort and benefit your body.

On the one hand, fiber intake helps fight constipation, as it speeds up metabolism and regulates the functioning of the digestive system. That is why the consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes is recommended.

The special vegetables for consumption are those with green leaves, because they contain a considerable amount of insoluble fiber. This fiber helps increase the volume of stool and accelerate intestinal transit. These include chard, celery, spinach, arugula, etc.

On the other hand, constant hydration is essential to improve digestion and avoid excess gas. It is advisable to drink 2 liters of water per day; drinks containing gas are not advisable.

A good diet is key to preventing flatus during pregnancy.

Some tricks and home remedies

As for fluid intake, the ideal is to drink directly, without using absorption devices, such as straws. These elements can cause you to breathe in while consuming the drink, which can lead to more flatulence.

A natural and home remedy to relieve flatus during pregnancy is the infusion of dandelion ; It is a highly recommended drink to reduce gas if you drink regularly.

Another important piece of information is the way you eat your food. Eating several small meals a day and eating slowly will give the intestine more time to digest better. It is essential that excessively greasy and spicy foods are avoided; These make it difficult for the digestive system to function by overloading it.

Apart from maintaining a proper diet, physical exercise is also relevant to stimulate intestinal transit. The sports activity that is carried out will depend on the pregnancy of each woman and the recommendation of her doctor.

Finally, it is advisable to walk daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. The exception to this recommendation is in risk pregnancies; In them, total or partial rest is recommended and the performance of any type of physical effort that could put the continuity of the baby’s pregnancy or the mother’s health at risk is prohibited.

How to maintain daily habits and not fail in the attempt

In order to keep going out with family or friends without suffering so much hassle, the following suggestions may be useful:

  • Choose restaurants with a variety of foods to choose from many options.
  • Select dishes that contain lean meats or vegetables from the menu.
  • Prefer preparations that contain little oil or are cooked on the grill.
  • Opt for places where there are several salads to match your choice; prioritize the consumption of green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid the consumption of soft drinks and carbonated drinks.
  • Control portions so you don’t eat too much food.
  • Do not accompany or use with dressings, butter or hot sauces.
Flatus during pregnancy can be relieved by following a diet rich in fiber.

Other considerations to alleviate discomfort  

In addition to all the points mentioned previously, there are other suggestions to combat flatulence during the 9 months of pregnancy. 

  • It is advisable to wear loose and comfortable clothing and  avoid wearing clothes that are too tight that cause discomfort in the belly, which causes the uterus to press against the intestines.
  • The regular practice of yoga is also considered useful to relieve pain, due to the performance of different stretching positions and relaxation exercises.

    Ultimately, remember that if flatus during pregnancy is prolonged and symptoms worsen, it is necessary to see a doctor to indicate an appropriate treatment.

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