How To Take Care Of A Cold?

How to take care of a cold?

The cold is one of the most common ailments during childhood . In general, it is not serious, but it is quite annoying, especially for the little ones who do not understand what is happening to them, they cannot tell how bad they feel or alleviate their discomfort.

To take care of your little one’s cold, at Eres Mamá we offer you some tips.

The common cold

The common cold, or cold, is a viral infectious disease of the human respiratory system. It is considered a mild, but common, disease in the world population, which does not distinguish age group or race.

The main symptoms of a cold are:

  • Sneezing
  • Frequent headaches
  • Runny and runny nose
  • Tearing
  • Congestion of the nasal passages
  • Sore or dry throat
  • Muscle and joint pain throughout the body
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Cough

Cold symptoms occur the same in adults as in children, and although the former can cope with them, the little ones find it difficult; That is why, after the contagion, they lose the desire to play, they get silly, they want to be loaded all the time and for Mom to cuddle them and comfort them.

This disease usually lasts 7 to 10 days and as it is caused by viruses, so far, there is no cure.

The only way to take care of a cold is to relieve the symptoms associated with it.

Tips to take care of a cold

As we have already commented to you, curing a cold, or catarrh, as it is also known, is impossible; the only thing that can be done is to shovel, in some way, the symptoms that it brings with it.

Next, focusing on the most annoying ones, we will offer you some tips to mitigate them.

Congestion of the nasal passages

Nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms of a cold. Immediately after the body becomes ill, the phlegm clogs the child’s nose and makes it very difficult to breathe, especially when sleeping.

To decongest the nasal passages, in pharmacies, various fluidizers of nasal mucus are issued; however, the use of physiological saline is always recommended due to its effectiveness and safety.

The physiological saline, or physiological solution, is a substance basically composed of salt and water, and serves to hydrate the nasal passages and lighten the mucus that clogs them.

Sore or dry throat

To alleviate the discomfort and dryness in the throat, when your child is sick with the flu, offer him plenty of fluids to drink: water especially and fruit juice.

The water serves to eliminate toxins lodged in the body and to thin the phlegm so that they can be expelled more quickly.


When there is the flu there is a cough, and the cough can be quite annoying, especially at bedtime.

Some mothers often administer the occasional antihistamine to relieve their little one’s cough; However, it is essential for us to tell you that when the cough is caused by the cold, it is advisable to avoid antihistamines because they can thicken the phlegm.

If your child has a cough, choose to submit him to harmless home remedies that will greatly alleviate him. Among the most recommended we can quote you:

  • Applying warm cloths to the chest
  • Warm drinks: oregano infusion, lemon tea, thyme infusion, honey chocolate (prepared with water and not milk)
  • Homemade syrups: honey with lemon

How to take care of a cold?

Mom, to take care of a cold it is important to keep it away from humidity and cold. You should put your little one in a ventilated room that does not store humidity and keep him warm, especially if they are in winter.

Make chicken broth. This food contains many nutrients that strengthen the immune system, it is a light meal that can be better digested by the body and is eaten warm, so it also helps to decongest the respiratory tract and lighten phlegm.

At bedtime, raise the head of your bed so that when you go to bed it is as high as possible, so you will feel less stuffy in your nostrils.

Offer citrus, other fruits, and foods rich in vitamin C to help his immune system replenish its defenses and fight the flu.

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