How To Discover Your Child’s Talents?

How to discover your child's talents?

Your child’s talents are unique and natural, but in many cases they remain hidden, waiting to be discovered. As parents we have the power to recognize the abilities of our children, in addition, it is our obligation to empower them and motivate their development from an early age.

It is not always easy to know what we are good at, some people can reach adulthood without having discovered what their special talent is ; That is why it is advisable that we help our children to discover skills. Being able to reach adulthood with a developed specialty guarantees a field of work, greater chances of success and a certain trajectory.

Likewise, developing our talents during childhood allows us to form a discipline and begin an exciting task. This process is also ideal for educating them as responsible people capable of setting goals for the future.

What is the ideal age to discover your talents?

Although babies may surprise us with their abilities,  we cannot always talk about a particular talent. There are many things that can be taught to a newborn or a baby up to two years old, but it is not always advisable to base ourselves on this stage to search for their abilities.

It is believed that this natural talent can emerge more clearly during the early childhood education stage. At this age, not only his interest begins to be seen, but also the skills he demonstrates; therefore, it is optimal to observe and motivate them.

It is also advised that we be objective in this observation. It is normal that we are interested because our son follows in the footsteps of his father or may be a follower of ours; We may want them to choose a particular activity, but it is they who will show what they are good for.


Let us also remember that at that age we can cause him greater stress if we invite him to do an activity for which he is not made. Especially in cases where parents decide to start motivating them, with the exercise of putting them to practice different things to distinguish which one is better.

How do you know if it is a talent?

Having one talent does not imply that we do not know how to do anything else, so we can talk about the fact that your child may have several talents. Some children are good at sports, they can practice almost any discipline with great skill, of course, there will always be one in which they excel much more ; however, his talent will already be directed towards sports.

However, a child who has a talent for sports may also have a talent for math, singing, or can be a great public speaker. That is why it is essential that the main motivation is the child’s own passion for any of the activities they carry out.

From a very young age, your children can show interest in certain things. At first it may be a general interest, but a few signs will really allow us to distinguish your talents. Let’s remember to avoid pressuring them and show genuine pride regardless of their choice.

If it is something that you can do very easily and with little practice, it is also something that you enjoy and seem to be more passionate than necessary, perhaps we are talking about one of those innate talents that we must stimulate so that they become your personal brand.


Tips for discovering your child’s talents

The first thing to keep in mind is observation without prejudice, a lot of patience and optimism are also important ingredients to make this discovery. Let’s learn that this natural gift is unknown both to you and to your child; That is why he will not tell you except with his actions, this implies that certain details could be authentic signals.

Other useful tools in these cases are:

  • Stimulation. In order to bring out natural talent,  the environment must be conducive ; That is why it is convenient to invite him to carry out different tests to see which ones he responds best to.

    There will always be some stimuli that will make you show more attention and enthusiasm. For example, we can dance and sing, take him to play outside, or give him tools to paint.

    • Interpretation. Observe how it copes with different stimuli and then decipher where the greatest degree of interest is located. To make this interpretation, it is recommended that we be objective, in addition, we consult with the family and teachers so that we can have more evidence about their true skills.
    • Building a child’s physical and mental abilities takes a lot of time and dedication; therefore it is important to be constant in practice, without despairing.

    Let’s teach him not to get discouraged or give up quickly, on the contrary, it is worth the effort to achieve happiness and if possible, also success.

    • Motivation. Once we have more clarity about our son’s professional inclination, it is very important that we show support and encourage him to improve in this activity.

    Helping him without pressure and trying to understand his passion is in part the responsibility we have as parents, since the talent that was born with him requires motivation to develop.

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