How To Choose The Best Musical Instrument For My Child?

Although we can help our children choose the first musical instrument, the final decision should really be yours. In any case, it is important that musical education is a reason for joy, not a bad drink; this taste will mark your progression.
How to choose the best musical instrument for my child?

Contact with music from an early age provides benefits that accompany you forever. If as a father my project is to acquire a musical instrument for my son, it is good to consider that his skills and personal development will be enriched by the infinite dimension of the world of music.

My child’s first musical instrument should be his or her own choice. In principle, a prior context, a musical environment, can be provided to stimulate their desire for music.

Of course, choosing the instrument when the child is young does not mean that he cannot change his mind over time. The important thing is that infants choose the musical instrument according to their age, their previous knowledge and, above all, their desire.

Musical learning in children

The  recommended age for children to begin their musical learning is from the age of five. This path should be a source of joy for the child; otherwise, it could backfire.

If your little one enjoys his music hour, he will be able to choose his own instrument wisely. That element will accompany you as a friend for many years.

There are usually instruments that are suitable for each child’s age, so choosing early doesn’t mean that he or she will be a pianist or flutist for life. Simply, the idea is to approach the music in a way that does not require a lot of initial effort.

Great benefits for development

In children, it is not virtuosity that should be sought, but all the benefits that music offers in relation to themselves and the interaction with the environment.

A piano is one of the best toy choices for children 5 and older.

On the other hand, I must not only look for a musical instrument for my son according to his age; Finding the right school or teacher for your child is the key to fully enjoying music.

A music teacher who does not contemplate the magic and spontaneity of childhood and who does not consider the social value that this discipline brings to children, can hardly transmit love for music to an infant. Remember that children must learn by playing.

Most Frequent Kids Music Instrument Choices

Until the age of five, contact with musical instruments must be completely free. For this reason, it is beneficial to have drums, xylophones or small pianos within easy reach.

From the age of six on, the approach to the subject changes. The child understands musical notes and scales, so that he is able to learn simple melodies and play them with an instrument. The satisfactions that this offers the little one are enormous.

Most chosen instruments

Some of the most common instruments for children from the age of six are:

  • The piano: Without a doubt, the most complete instrument to get started in music is the piano. For children, it is easier to visualize the notes and create harmonies, as it is just a matter of becoming familiar with the keys. Anyway, the piano has cons for most mortals: its cost and its size, which makes it difficult to locate in the house.
  • The flute: Unlike the piano, the flute is very economical and portable. But it has another advantage: it benefits children when it comes to controlling their breathing. This introduces them to a very interesting organic discipline on a mental level.
  • The guitar: Affordable, the guitar can be a child’s ally for life. However, it is not so easy to take the first steps with this instrument. It is necessary to know how to tune it, the strings offer some resistance in the beginning; Furthermore, it requires coordination that not all children have at that age.
Choosing a musical instrument for my son is a task that, of course, requires his participation.
  • The violin : There are children who find no difficulty in learning to take the violin in the correct position; others, yes. On the other hand, in addition to its beautiful sound, the violin tests children’s patience and discipline.
  • Percussion: Drums and drums stimulate hand and foot coordination in an entertaining way. The drums transmit a beautiful energy to boys and girls.

A simple test

Finally, in choosing a musical instrument for my son, I can guide him through some reflections. You may be asked if you like the sound, if it is appropriate for the music you usually listen to, if you get excited when you hold it in your hands,  and why you like that instrument more than others.

As a result of this little test, the child’s responses may surprise us. Surely, after doing so we will have enough information to introduce you to the beautiful path of music education.

What musical instrument will be best for my child?

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