How Many Weeks Does A Normal Pregnancy Last?

Knowing the estimated date when the baby will be born is not only useful to have everything soon, but also for medical reasons. However, how long does an average pregnancy last?
How many weeks does a normal pregnancy last?

The moment you find out that you are pregnant, the countdown begins. This is when you are interested in knowing in depth how many weeks a pregnancy lasts and, consequently, when you will be able to see your child.

Generally, a pregnancy is said to last nine months. The measurement of the nine moons was used by grandmothers to determine the date of delivery. They were times in which knowing the date on which the child would be born was considered necessary to have everything ready to receive it, among other things.

Why it is important to know how many weeks a pregnancy lasts

From a medical point of view, it is necessary to determine the exact length of pregnancy, called ‘gestational age’. When the pregnancy comes to term, the fetus is ready to be born without help.

For this reason, as the woman approaches delivery, the controls are made more frequently. The state of the mother and the baby is monitored, mainly their vital signs. The heart rhythm and the development of the lungs are two of the most relevant aspects in these last controls.

Normality in pregnancy

If any abnormality is observed in development, the obstetrician will take whatever measures he deems appropriate. Medical science today has multiple resources to intervene, especially in the event that, in advance, a problem in the development of the baby is diagnosed.

A normal pregnancy is considered to be ‘full term’ between weeks 37 and 42. It is a somewhat wide range, since there are many factors in the pregnant woman and her habits that can influence.

Generally, mothers who have given birth before have shorter pregnancies. Those of gilts, meanwhile, tend to extend a little more.

Influence of the duration of pregnancy on delivery and on the baby

Whether a delivery is normal, premature, or prolonged depends on how many weeks a pregnancy lasts. If it lasts for less than 37 weeks, it is considered ‘preterm’ or premature. On the other hand, if it exceeds 42 weeks, it will be a prolonged pregnancy. Both situations are anomalous and must be attended to with care.

Premature delivery

If a baby is born before the normal time, the risks for him increase.  Babies are born premature when their gestation time is less than 37 weeks.

When a pregnant woman begins with the first symptoms of labor before week 37 , doctors may recommend measures to delay it. Absolute rest is one of them.

If delivery cannot be avoided, the presence of a pediatrician, in addition to the obstetrician, is essential. A baby born prematurely needs to be monitored during the first days of life, so it will surely remain in the hospital for some time.

Childbirth resulting from a prolonged pregnancy

When the time established for a normal pregnancy is lengthened, the doctor is likely to decide to intervene. But why is it a problem for the baby to stay longer than normal in the womb?

The placenta fulfills its functions of nutrition, immunological, endocrine and fixation supplies for the baby for a period of between 40 and 42 weeks. It is how long a normal pregnancy lasts; after that time, it grows old.

If the placenta stops working, the baby is exposed to risks, mainly respiratory and nutritional. It is for this reason that, when the pregnancy exceeds 41 weeks,  the doctor generally decides to induce or provoke labor.

The wait for the birth is often long.

How to calculate how many weeks a pregnancy lasts?

The pregnancy time count can be done from the first day of the last menstruation. Obstetricians use that date as a guide and add 40 weeks to it. The due date calculated in this way is considered the ‘probable due date’, as there is not total certainty.

Ovulation periods may not be regular in women and this factor affects the date of fertilization. However, it is a useful estimate when calculating how many weeks a pregnancy lasts.

The best way to calculate the time of gestation is by means of the ultrasound that is carried out in the first trimester. The precision is far superior to the method of menstruation dates. With this ultrasound, the doctor can almost certainly determine the date the child will be born.

It has been shown that approaching the estimated date of delivery as accurately as possible is essential to avoid problems for both the child and the mother. Furthermore, unnecessary medical interventions are thus avoided.

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