How Does The Change Of School Affect The Children?

Changing schools to children is a complex process in most cases. The little ones can be emotionally affected by the abandonment of their previous life, friends and colleagues, etc. Depending on his character, the child will adapt in less or more time to his new situation.
How does the change of school affect children?

Changing children to schools is a process that can affect them more than adults imagine. On many occasions it is mistakenly assumed that the little ones are able to adapt quickly to sudden changes. However, children suffer from changes, which shake their stability and routine.

Changing schools to children, how does it affect them?

Children do not always adapt easily and quickly to changes. In fact, that is one of the great myths that have been woven around infants.

They, like adults, suffer from fear and anxiety about the unknown, about changes. For this reason, it is essential that parents transmit the necessary confidence and are the support and support to successfully overcome this transition.

How does the change of school affect children? Parents who have gone through a process of transition, moving and more know that these kinds of changes do affect children.

The little ones face a cocktail of emotions; this includes sadness and fear of the unknown. The fact of breaking the emotional ties with their friends and leaving behind that daily world that provided them stability is very hard.

For that reason, children are affected by these changes; what cannot be predicted is the degree of involvement. Obviously and like any adult, the situation can be coped better or worse.

The intensity of the emotions will depend on what the child leaves behind, as well as what he will find. In this sense, if the child arrives at a school where he makes friends quickly and feels welcome, the change will be much easier.

Some children have difficulty relating to their peers at school.

How to minimize the effects of changing schools?

Here are some things parents should consider before exposing their children to a change of schools:


Children are not stupid; on the contrary, each new generation is smarter and smarter than the previous one. It is for that reason that deceiving them in order to protect them is not the best option, especially because sooner or later they will face reality and the blow will be greater. To that must be added the fact that he knew that Mom and Dad lied to him.

The child must be informed honestly and clearly about the decision to change schools or about any other changes. The reasons that led to this decision must be explained to you. Without any kind of hindrance or half-truths, parents should speak the truth to him in age-appropriate language.

Highlight the positive

Another important aspect is that parents let the child know all the positive things that this change will bring. Again, it is important not to lie; the child should not be promised what is not known with certainty.


Children can adjust more or less easily to changes if the parents remain firm and unwavering. So, it is essential that they are safe and confident at all times .

Parents are the most important anchor of stability for the little ones in the house;  hence the importance of transmitting that security to them in their academic career.


The little one is probably much better suited to school if the parents are involved in his education. In this sense, it is advisable to meet the teachers, get involved in different activities that require the support of the tutors and contribute books to the library, among other things.

Visit the new school

If it is among the possibilities, it is always recommended that the family visit the neighborhood in which the new school is located. It is a good idea for the child to familiarize himself with the facilities of the same before suddenly meeting it on the first day of school.

Sports activities are great so that the effects of the change of school on children are not so abrupt.

Extracurricular activities

Enroll the child in extra-curricular activities is important for him to continue developing his hobbies; You also have to make it easier for them to make more friends more quickly. These activities can be carried out both inside and outside the school.

Undoubtedly, the change of school to children affects them to a greater or lesser extent, according to various aspects. The most important thing is to offer the little one honesty above all else, stability and understanding.

Similarly, parents must be patient; you need to understand that it is a process that may be slower than you would expect. Over time, the child will adapt and the experience will mature him.

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