Home Treatments For Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be very dangerous due to the dehydration it causes. Learn here how to alleviate symptoms with home remedies, without neglecting the visit to the doctor!
Home treatments for diarrhea

Diarrhea can be considered a common illness in children, but it must be treated properly to prevent dehydration of the child. In some cases, soft or liquid stools are often confused with this problem, but only in cases where there is frequency and a strong stench could we speak of diarrhea.

In any case, it is possible that the condition has a specific cause and that we recognize it quickly ; for example when it occurs during teething. In general, it is a signal that indicates the presence of some pathogen-type agent in the system, to which it reacts.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea can be prevented, because it is mainly caused by the entry into the body of food that is contaminated in some way. That is, with hand washing and proper hygiene when preparing meals or feeding children, the incidence of this problem can be avoided.

To treat the disease, pediatricians can prescribe drugs aimed at eliminating the pathogen ; which seeks to cure the disease at its roots. However, there are cases where it is necessary to treat the pain that it produces or reduce the inflammation of the intestine, which can be done at home.


Homemade remedies for diarrhea

The following home remedies for diarrhea are recommended in case the condition has not lasted for more than two days and the cause of it is precisely known.

  • Give him foods that contain pectin ; This substance is present in fruits and vegetables, where the most recommended are bananas, carrots and apples. These can be administered raw or in porridges mixed with oats, these foods allow the intestine to be cleaned and the stool harden.
  • In the case of carrots, in their raw state they contribute to the normalization of the intestine with their contribution of pectin; but when cooked, they have other benefits, because they release oligosaccharides, sugar molecules capable of allowing the pathogen to adhere to them. Once this infectious organism is collected by sugars, it can be expelled more easily, curing diarrhea.
  • The special clay for human consumption, can contribute to the disinflammation of the digestive tract and therefore to the reduction of pain. This sand has minerals, where magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium and calcium stand out. These elements contribute to the cleaning of the intestine and regulate the amount of fluids, causing the stool to harden. Its administration must be controlled and approved by a specialist
  • To relieve abdominal pain, the use of hot water bottles or potato compresses is recommended, which are made with cooked potatoes and placed with bandages on the child’s abdomen while they are warm.
  • To prevent dehydration it is advisable to give fluids that contain electrolytes necessary to regain balance. Commercial serums can be obtained in pharmacies without the need for a prescription. It can also be tried with lemon, salt and honey based serum.
  • A recommended food to recover the damage to the intestinal flora is yogurt, also blueberries and rose tea.
  • To keep the child fed while he has diarrhea, it is advisable to eat rice, toast and continue breastfeeding or formula milk.

When to go to the doctor?

Following the aforementioned home treatments, the diarrhea is likely to have disappeared or shown signs of doing so; But sometimes it is necessary to go to the doctor, as this problem should not be allowed to pass for a long time, because it could lead to severe dehydration problems or it could be the reflection of a more serious illness.

In this sense, diarrhea that has remained persistent for a period greater than 24 hours should be evaluated by a specialist. This case requires acting before dehydration and treating the main cause of the disorder; Similarly, it is recommended to be attentive to the following signs.

  • Lack of appetite
  • Dizziness, lethargy, or drowsiness
  • Signs of dehydration, such as dry mucous membranes in the nose, eyes, and mouth
  • Presence of blood, mucus, or pus in the stool
  • Fever
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Black tonality of stool
  •  If the child has been diagnosed with diabetes or heart or kidney disease.

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