Donating Organs Is Sowing Life Expectancy In Many Families

Donating organs is sowing life expectancy in many families

Donating organs is sowing life expectancy in thousands of families. It is feeding the illusion of having a new opportunity. It is that this transplant can be the beginning of a new life for thousands of people who are waiting. Parents who dream of stopping seeing a child suffer. They long for a “normal” life for these children.

It is that a simple ‘yes’ allows you to give life, to give smiles to entire families that await that miracle of love and generosity. Prioritize the habit of giving and understanding to others. Help others without expecting anything in return. It is about exchanging a pair of organs for new wings to start light with luggage.

Therefore, the earth will crown these superior beings for their greatness as donors, and heaven will baptize them as true angels. Donating organs also allows you to continue living beyond life. Because this exchange does not only consist of offering a part of oneself to give life to a stranger.

Big mistake. Well, that stranger also offers his entire body so that at least a part of that being that is leaving can continue to live. Human recycling by which a single person can save the lives of fifty others. How not to undertake such an act of love, nobility and courage? This is definitely honoring life.

What is organ donation?

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Where one life ends, another can resurface. Like the mythical Phoenix Bird. We speak promptly of a social, supportive, anonymous, free and altruistic act. Through this action, a person can deliver organs and tissues of his body to sick or disabled people, through a transplant.

More than 100,000 organ transplants are performed each year around the world. Likewise, it is estimated that more than 250,000 people are currently on the waiting list to receive a transplant. Losing in health and quality of life, watching each minute pass as if it were the last of their lives.

There are no organ banks as is often claimed. Organs, like any of us, have life. For this reason, they must be transported immediately since their duration outside the body ranges between 6 and 72 hours, depending on the organ in question.

Heart, liver, kidneys, lung, pancreas and intestine are some of the organs that can change the existence of countless people. It is that donating organs, finally, is nothing more than using the heart, loving deeply. Decide to build a future.

On the other hand, the tissues can be perfectly preserved as long as they do not have blood flow. This is how they can be used at the best time by those who need it the most. Corneas, bones, valves and tendons are some of them.

Requirements to donate organs

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It is not true what is said that very few people are trained to donate organs. As is an unfounded myth that the paperwork to perform this valuable act is endless. Here we tell you what requirements must be met to be part of this miracle of life that the family can give back to many families:

  • Be between the ages of 2 and 65. This may vary according to the health conditions of the donor.
  • Be healthy at the time of death, and have not suffered from hepatitis, cancer, AIDS or other infectious diseases

And don’t forget that not donating the organs of your loved ones will end up killing other loved ones. Why not do good and give that opportunity to those who are looking forward to it? Donating organs is the greatest work of good that can be done in life, or even after it.

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