Dermoid Cyst In Children

The dermoid cyst is a benign mass in children that usually appears on the face. We tell you everything you need to know about him.
Dermoid cyst in children

A dermoid cyst is a lump that is normally found on the face or head, and can be present from birth or appear throughout childhood. Here we tell you everything you need to know about this pathology.

What is dermoid cyst?

Dermoid cyst is a benign congenital disease. This means that children are already born with it, although, due to its size, it may not be detected until a few months later, when it has grown enough. It is embryonic in nature, which means that it is due to an abnormality in the development of the fetus.

Dermoid cysts are rounded tumors  that can have different consistencies and sizes, and are usually found on the face and head, although they can be found anywhere on the body.

What happens is that in fetal development, in one area of ​​the body, the layers of the skin do not grow together as they should. This leaves a space, a hole under the skin, which will end up being occupied by other substances in the body. These can be sweat glands, oil glands, or hair follicles.

Sad child with low self-esteem due to having a dermoid cyst.

What are your symptoms?

The dermoid cyst is a slow-growing tumor. It is usually round and somewhat soft. The skin on its surface can easily move over it. It is usually the same color as the skin, although sometimes it can also be a slight bluish color.

The cyst itself does not usually give any symptoms. However, as it normally occurs on the face or head, which are areas where many nerves and body structures are found, this carries certain risks.

Dermoid cyst complications appear when, as it grows, it affects other sensitive structures of the body. These complications are usually neurological or ophthalmic.

In addition to affecting other nearby areas, the cyst, due to its location, usually facial, can lead to problems of discomfort and low self-esteem for the child, which should also be taken into account when treating. It is also possible that, due to the accumulation of substances inside, it becomes infected and gives rise to abscesses.

Dermoid cyst diagnosis

As soon as we begin to notice something strange in our child’s body, we must go to a specialist. This will be the one to examine the cyst and its surroundings and, if necessary, request other tests.

Child at the pediatrician doing a medical examination.

In addition to the clinical and medical examination of the cyst, the specialist may recommend X-rays, CT or MRI. These tests may be necessary to establish whether it really is a dermoid cyst and to differentiate it from other types of childhood tumors. They will also help define your exact location and check if it affects other nearby areas.

What is your treatment?

Treatment of the dermoid cyst is usually complete removal by surgery. As always, it will be the specialist who decides when and how to perform this procedure. This will depend, among other factors, on the location and size of the cyst, and the age of the child.

What we must take into account regarding the dermoid cyst is …

It is a benign pathology that, normally, will be diagnosed and treated without entailing major consequences for the child, so we should not be overly alarmed.

However, and due to its possible confusion with other types of childhood tumors, in the case of noticing any lump in our child, whether it is a new appearance or one already studied that begins to grow, we must go to the specialist. This will be the one who confirms the diagnosis and establishes the steps to follow next.

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