Communication With Our Children And Its Five Levels

Communication with our children and its five levels

We are often wrong. Well, communication with our children does not consist of talking a lot and tirelessly repeating ideas. This exchange is not measured in quantity but in quality. And you, do you talk to the child? What do you talk about with your son? Do you know the levels of communication? Find out in this article.

It is common to have many conversations during the day with our boys. His friends, school, activities and hobbies are some of the topics we address. However, each represents a different level of quality and depth, implying various benefits for them.

Communication with our children is difficult to establish because not only is each child different, but also because contact requires particular rules. For this reason, it is advisable to consider a series of guidelines to consolidate a good dialogue with the little one.

Words and gestures are key elements in speaking with minors. In addition, you must maintain eye contact and be concrete, clear and simple in the elaboration of the message in order to get the attention of the infant. Remember the importance of good listening and avoid threats.

The value of communication with our children

Communication with our children is a valuable tool, since it allows us to know their feelings. So we can determine how to act to guide and help you. It’s just about getting to know your own child through talk.


In this way, it is not surprising that several specialists understand communication as an infallible weapon in the face of daily relationships, conflicts and, fundamentally, before the different stages that children go through during their development.

Don’t forget to forget it! This conversation should not only consist of words, but the corporal expression becomes the protagonist. Take into account smiles, caresses, hugs, sobs, sighs and silences.

The five levels of depth

As we have anticipated, in communication with our children there can be 5 levels of depth and quality. These categories obey the topic addressed and the communicational level that they cover. Pay attention and analyze how many you cover when you talk to your child.

According to the content faced, we will locate ourselves in a certain degree of depth. However, in the same conversation we can simultaneously cover different levels of communication.

  1. At the first level we talk about things. It is the most superficial floor of a conversation where, for example, we refer to his performance in dances, his goal in the soccer game, his performance at school, food and even storybooks.
  2. At the second level we talk about people. So we will refer, on this occasion, to the actions carried out by your teacher, a classmate, your playmate, a neighbor or a friend’s mother.
  3. On the third level we talk about ourselves. Unlike the previous ones, it involves greater depth as it implies sharing some intimacy while we approach an affective plane. This is how in this interaction I know something more about him, and he about me. You can tell your child about your favorite childhood game or explain what happened at work, at the same time that he reveals his favorite story or song or details his activities and games for the day.
  4. At the fourth level we communicate feelings. It is another step in communicating with our children because it means opening up a little more. Here we share our feelings and, in this way, we suggest to the other that we trust him and therefore we decide to share our intimacy. This category helps considerably to consolidate the family union. He expresses to us how he feels if his friends separate him or when he occupies the substitute bench of his team and we express the disappointment that a person’s attitude causes, or the pride we feel in seeing him grow up healthy and happy.          
    mother-lying-with-son-looking at each other
  5. The fifth level communicates the feelings between us. It is the deepest and most wonderful step of a conversation, where we talk about how we feel for each other. This moment is colored in colors as magic and joy appear when we open our hearts to show how much we love each other. And at this moment the magic appears. If I confess my love to him and the reasons that lead me to love him, I am building solid and fundamental emotional ties for his emotional development.

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