Communication With Adolescents: A Difficult Mission?

Although communication with adolescents is complex, it can sometimes be a source of enormous satisfaction. Do not miss that opportunity.
Communication with adolescents: a difficult mission?

According to data from the World Health Organization, adolescents (ages 10-19) represent approximately one sixth of the world’s population (1.2 billion people).

Most young people are in good health, but premature mortality and injuries among adolescents remain high. Developing innovative strategies that address the issue of communication with adolescents constitutes an essential link.

Communication with teenagers

Communicating with adolescents, although it is a task that a priori would seem to be difficult, it is not always so and poses enormous challenges. Promoting healthy behaviors during adolescence and adopting measures to better protect young people against health risks is essential for the prevention of health problems in adulthood.

It is also important for the future health of countries and their ability to develop and prosper. Adolescence is one of the fastest phases of human development, according to research data from the World Health Organization.

Father trying to have proper communication with his teenage son.

Younger adolescents can be particularly vulnerable when their capacities are still developing and beginning to move beyond the confines of their families. Changes in adolescence have health consequences  not only at this stage, but also throughout life.

Some advances and new challenges

Despite the advances in adolescent health, numerous challenges still persist that require the implementation of a series of innovative proposals to achieve satisfactory results. Communication with adolescents represents an important tool that should not be overlooked.

What do we know?

On the one hand, that communication is not born from a cabbage and that it has histories and trajectories, as well as certain patterns that it is important to review. On the other hand, communication with adolescents does not refer to any type of relationship, but to one that is mediated by affections.

Some characteristics of adolescents

When it comes to communicating better, it is of great importance not to lose sight of the fact that adolescents are our children, nephews, grandchildren, godchildren and, therefore, it is a highly sensitive relationship.

It is, at the same time, a stage in which there is concern for the here and now in the  near future and in the longer term. And it is, in turn, necessary that there be a healthy confrontation, as well as the continuity in the setting of limits that at this stage of life registers some peculiarities. On the other hand, the desire to explore is combined but instead of experimenting, desiring, searching and deciding among others.

Mother and daughter talking and having good communication.

Factors that favor good communication with adolescents

  • Use appropriate words and gestures.
  • Defend your own points of view well without anger or disgust.
  • Take into account the arguments and interests of the other, especially if it is our children.
  • Finding reasonable compromise and care solutions for both parties.

Tips to know whether or not you listen to teenagers

  • Give your full attention to the person speaking and give them clear evidence of it: frequently look him in the eye, nod through gestures and verbal expressions.
  • Repeat the key points of what he tells you that seems to be important to him, to let him understand that you are understanding.
  • Do not interrupt, except to show that you are listening and to ask for clarification if you do not understand.

If you have met some of these conditions, you may be listening well and paying attention to what they tell you, two essential starting points for good communication, and even more so if it is in the adolescence stage.

The language of adolescents

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