Classics Adapted For Children

Literature is made up of great classics that children can learn about and enjoy in the same way as adults through adaptations of these works.
Classics adapted for children

So that both adults and children can know and enjoy some literary gems, children’s publishers have decided to make classic works adapted for children  so that, through the illustrations and simpler dialogues, they can read them as well.

Over the years, and even over the centuries, literature has shown readers great works that have survived over time, so do you dare to discover some of the works that you can show to your children? We will show you below.

Classics adapted for children

1. The Lazarillo de Tormes

Vicens Vives is one of the publishers that has long opted for classic works adapted for children. One of the works of which he made an adaptation is the one that has as its protagonist a small boy and his different masters. El Lazarillo de Tormes  is considered the work that begins or begins to show a type of novel that would later reach bookstores: the picaresque novel.

Classics adapted for children.
El Lazarillo de Tormes, by Francisco de Goya

The importance of always telling the truth and the survival instinct in the face of all the events that the protagonist experiences are the values ​​shown in this book, which begins, moreover, in the beautiful city of Salamanca.

2. Don Quixote de la Mancha

If we had to choose a classic work of Spanish literature of all time, without a doubt, that story surrounded by mills and with somewhat peculiar protagonists would come to mind.

Despite the careful and sometimes complex language of this work, the adaptations of this book will delight and amuse the little ones in the house, as they will show the funny and crazy adventures of Alonso Quijano and his faithful squire Sancho Panza.

A perfect book to work in the classroom using different chapters of the story that will help the little ones to be able to develop more their creativity when imagining the adventures of the protagonists.

But, being a work of recognized world prestige, there are many adaptations of different publishers that have emerged from this classic : SM, Vicens Vives, Anaya or La Galera, among others. Use the one most adapted for the specific age of your children, as all of them become fun tools to encourage reading in children.

3. My First Little Prince

The Little Prince  is one of the most recognized classics worldwide and is recommended for children. However,  the reading of this work among the smallest public is not usually liked due to the great psychological and philosophical background that the development of the story contains.

For this reason, and so that children can enjoy this wonderful work from childhood and understand other aspects when they are adults, the publishing house Bruño has made a version adapted to a simpler language.

Classics adapted for children.

4. The Diary of Anne Frank

Translated into more than 70 different languages, Anne Frank and her diary are known worldwide. Unfortunately, its importance lies in the difficult times that the Jews experienced during the Holocaust.

In this diary, children will be able to learn, always adapted to their age, the far from simple life of Anne Frank, of her entire family and of all the Jews who had to abandon their homes and their lives.

5. The Iliad and The Odyssey , two classic works adapted for children

Finally, if your child loves stories related to history, wars and crossings, there will be no better classics adapted for children than these two.

Both written by the Greek poet Homer and adapted by the Vicens Vivens publishing house, will show the little ones the oldest poem of western literature in the world, such as The Iliad, and the adventures of the journey in the Odyssey. A fantastic way to approach history in a simple and very educational way. 

Once upon a time, the classic tales updated

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