Children’s Play According To Each Stage

Children's play according to each stage

Children’s play is very important for development, that is why it evolves according to each stage. As the child grows, he requires a different stimulus, in addition, his own progress forces him to modify his play routines according to his new abilities and interests.

The evolution of the game is directed to the search for perfection in each activity that begins; Babies initially have poor playing skills; however, the bigger they are, the more sophisticated their games are. The child adapts his game to his stage of growth, he does it automatically, but it is our responsibility to be able to facilitate the tools of his learning.

To recognize the level that he has reached in his development, it is necessary to observe what he plays and how he does it; This is the main indication of maturity and evolution of the personality. The way of playing arises spontaneously because it is characteristic of the stage in which the little one is, so we can observe how it changes interests in relatively short periods.

On the other hand, there is no particular age to start playing ; Babies play from a very young age even if we don’t notice it. As we have said, the type of play is relative to the child’s developmental stage, which is why the baby has less noticeable routines.

In the same way, it is possible to distinguish between the game of the baby and the child according to the personality of each one; that is, between children of the same age there may be differences in terms of the way they play or the toy they choose. In other words, there is a category that includes children’s play by stage, but the manifestation of each one depends on the child’s personality.


How is children’s play according to the stage of development?

To define exactly the stage of development in which the child is, it is convenient to let him play in his own way and let him choose the game. Once we have identified the type of game you are running recently, we can assist you by using specialized tools for your time.

If you want to know better the games that children play according to their stage, below we will show you some of the categories to be developed by age.

The motor game

It begins from the first days of life to approximately two years. Games in the motor category focus on performing various movements to enhance their skills and body control ; at this stage the child likes to practice mastering objects.

Creativity and symbolism

Games of this type arise from two and a half to at least three years of age, although fantasy is an element that remains in children’s play for a long time, it is at this stage that symbolic play has its origin. Role imitation and fantasizing about the function of objects is typical for three years; at this age, the child grants unlimited virtues to most things.

Child with childish game


Construction games cover a stage in a child’s life in which his main skills are in increasing development; it appears around the age of five and lasts until approximately seven. By this stage, children have greater mental scope to create somewhat more complex buildings, in which they can play for hours.

Rules and coexistence

From seven years of age, children have developed most of their physical and mental skills, but they still have to perfect their social skills, therefore the games of this stage focus on social interaction. Children of this age play with the rules of coexistence, form groups with other children based on interaction  and the adults’ own style, and are able to initiate their actions in sports or board games.

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