Among Us: Why Is It So Popular With Children And Adolescents?

Among us is the fashion game for children, teenagers and young people. Do you know what it consists of and what is its great success? Read on to find out.
Among us: why is it so popular with children and adolescents?

In today’s digitized world, children no longer have to stay at their friends’ houses to play Cluedo, Sleeping Town or Police and Thieves, as there is currently a virtual version of these same games. We mean the Among us! You must have heard of him lately!

Among Us is the multiplayer video game for mobiles, tablets and computers that has millions of children and teenagers around the world hooked. What is the reason for this great success? What makes this game so appealing to kids? Next, we answer these and many other questions related to the online video game of the moment.

Child playing Among us on the computer.

Among us: what is the game about?

To play Among us it is necessary for a minimum of four and a maximum of ten people to connect to the game. Once everyone is in line, the game begins!

The video game is set in outer space, where most of the participants are the crew of a ship and between one and three players act as impostors. These roles are assigned randomly at the beginning of the game and, depending on this, the functions to be carried out in the game are very different:

  • The crew members have to complete the assigned tasks as quickly as possible and find out who the impostors are.
  • The impostors have to sabotage the mission of the crew, killing them one by one and trying not to arouse suspicion. When the crew members are killed, they automatically turn into ghosts and can continue with their tasks, but without having the option to interact with the other players.

    The game ends when one of the two groups wins, that is, when:

    • The crew members manage to finish all their tasks or discover the identity of the impostors.
    • The impostors manage to kill all the crew of the ship.

    Why is it so successful among children and adolescents?

    This simple game is a hit with both kids and teens for several reasons, including the following:

    • The visibility given by some famous gamers , youtubers and influencers, who are dedicated to playing Among us and make it public on their channels.
    • The simplicity of its rules. The mechanics of the game are very easy to learn, so it is not necessary to have much experience in games of the same style to function with ease within the virtual world of Among us.
    • You do not have to have a large technological equipment to play, you only need an electronic device (mobile, tablet or computer) and an internet connection, something that today is in almost every house.
    • It encourages socialization and teamwork, as it is a multiplayer video game in which participants have to communicate with each other to unmask the impostors, as well as collaborate with each other to perform all assigned tasks.
    • It is based on strategy and deception, which makes the game very interesting and fun.

    Benefits and risks of Among us

    As we have explained previously, Among us is a game that can help children and adolescents to:

    Family playing Among us from mobile.
    • Improve your communication and social skills.
    • Learn to work in a group.
    • Develop strategic thinking.

    However, we must also talk about the risks that minors can be exposed to when playing this game online. One of the main dangers is related to public chat rooms, where children can converse with large numbers of strangers. To prevent minors from communicating with malicious people, it is advisable

    • Activate the option of chat with censorship, so that it does not allow the display of inappropriate or offensive words.
    • Allow them to play only private games with their friends, family or relatives.

    On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the recommended age to be able to play Among us is from 10 years old, so, in principle, minors of this age should not be allowed access to the game.

    Finally, it should be remembered that everything in excess is bad. As mothers, fathers or the main responsible for children and adolescents, we must make sure that they do not spend endless hours playing Among us. It is important to control the playing time, otherwise, a simple hobby like this can turn into a real addiction.

    In short, playing Among us can be a good idea for children and adolescents to entertain themselves and have fun at home, but always with responsibility and control.

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