Aid For Families With Disabled Children

At present there are many aids for families with children with disabilities, and in this article we will talk about some of them.
Aid for families with disabled children

Having a child with some kind of disability means that we must give him, along with all our love, a lot of attention and specific care. With which, it is always good to resort to all those helps for families with children with disabilities that allow us to achieve their well-being.

Having a child with a disability

Disability refers to the lack or physical or mental limitation that makes it impossible or difficult for a person to develop normally.

Now, we prefer to speak of a person with a functional diversity . No person is disabled, but rather has a specific disability that could limit, to a greater or lesser extent, some aspect of the development of their daily, social, work or school tasks.

Having a child with a disability implies the substantial modification of life and family routine, in such a way that their permanent attention and care can be guaranteed to achieve their total well-being.

Aid for families with disabled children.

In addition, it also implies being aware of the information and existing advice regarding programs, projects and actions developed by various institutional bodies, which aim to provide aid for families with children with disabilities.

Recognition of the situation of dependency

It is important for families who want to benefit from the aid for families with children with disabilities that they obtain recognition of the situation of dependency.

The recognized dependency situation allows the person with a disability or their family members to enjoy certain social, fiscal and economic benefits.

This recognition indicates the permanent status of people who, for reasons of age, illness or disability, linked to the loss of physical, mental, intellectual or sensory autonomy, require the attention of another person to carry out activities. basics of daily life.

Therefore, the dependency situation is assessed in degrees set according to the autonomy of the person and the intensity of the care they require.  For more information, check the Dependency Law.

Aid for families with disabled children

There are different types of measures to protect and help families with children, or dependent minors, with disabilities. Next, we mention those in force and of a state nature (Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality).

Child benefit

It is granted when there is a dependent child under the age of 18 who is affected by a disability equal to or greater than 33%. Or a child over 18 years of age with a disability of a degree equal to or greater than 65%.

Likewise, it is granted in the case of a child over 18 years of age with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 75% and who, as a consequence of anatomical or functional losses, needs another person to perform the essential acts of life such as get dressed or move.

In addition, in the specific case of a child under 18 with a disability equal to or greater than 33%, it counts as two and can receive large family benefits. These benefits are specified in the benefits of being a large family.

Mobility Subsidy and Compensation for Transportation Expenses

This subsidy is aimed at people with a disability equal to or greater than 33%. It consists of an economic benefit, of a periodic nature, destined to meet the expenses originated by trips outside their habitual residence, for people who have difficulties to use collective transport.

Deduction for disabled descendant

Families with children with disabilities may deduct up to 1200 euros from the Income Statement or collect them at the rate of 100 euros per month, as established by the Tax Agency on the personal, family and disability minimum. Although these deductions are specific and, therefore, vary according to each autonomous community.

Aid for families with disabled children.

Scholarships for children with special needs

They are aids for students with educational needs associated with disabilities or serious conduct disorders.

Maternity allowance, another aid for families with children with disabilities

It is increased by 14 calendar days when the disability is equal to or greater than 65%. This disability can be both the mother and the child.

Final considerations regarding aid for families with children with disabilities

As we have clarified at the beginning, apart from the state aid mentioned, it is necessary to find out about the specific aid of each autonomous community and each municipality. This information is provided by the Delegation of Social Security or Social Services of each autonomous community.

Students with child disabilities

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