How To Introduce The Bottle To Your Baby

The bottle can be a complement or a substitute for breastfeeding, depending on each case. That is why we are going to tell you how to introduce it in the diet correctly.
How to introduce the bottle to your baby

There are several ways to introduce the bottle to your baby. The selection you make of any of them will depend on your expectations and the particular circumstances in which you find yourself.

This is usually a very controversial topic, so it is important that you document yourself sufficiently. Consult with your pediatrician or a breastfeeding consultant.

The bottle and breastfeeding

Contrary to what many think, the bottle and breastfeeding are not opposite sides of the same coin, in fact they can complement each other and very well if you are clear on the principles with which you should feed your little one.

In fact, if you are a mother who will soon have to return to work, then even more so you should consider the bottle as an ally, assuming that you can leave your milk for her to drink at tea.

Some specialists indicate that alternating the bottle and breast in day-old babies can generate confusion in the little ones in terms of grip and suction strength, since in both cases it is different. They also indicate that this alternation can lead them to prefer the bottle since the milk comes out more easily and with less effort.


However, once you and your baby have bonded and breastfeeding is going smoothly, you could try teaching him to bottle feed by scooping up some of your milk and feeding it at the tete. If your baby is already an “expert” at taking mommy’s tit, then you will not generate any confusion and this will allow you a bit of freedom in case you want to return to work or so that you can leave it in the care of another person in case you have to. away from home for a few hours.

All babies are different and respond differently to this proposal, it depends on their sensitivity at a sensory level and also on how pleasant the nipple is for them. In general, the longer it takes to insert the bottle, the more difficult it will be to accept.

Some strategies to consider

Keep in mind that breast milk has proven to be the best food for your baby. In any case, it is possible to insert the bottle in a complementary way.

  • Feel sure of the step you are taking, otherwise it will be difficult for you to be consistent and consequently your baby will not be able to accept the bottle.
  • Breast milk does not lose its wonderful properties when it is packaged in the bottle, so your little one can enjoy all its benefits even when you are not there.
  • Try introducing the bottle only after the coupling with your baby has been sufficient.
  • Help yourself with a good quality breast pump, this will make the task easier and more bearable for you.
  • If your baby is sensitive and demanding, try to keep the temperature of the milk similar to what you would have in your breast. Also be sure to offer a warm, non-icy nipple from the fridge.
  • Do it equally relaxed as you would breastfeed, surely your baby will notice that something happens in you.
  • You can ask your partner or anyone else to help you breastfeed for you.
  • Some pediatricians recommend doing it for a full day, every bottle feeding to get you to accept it.

It will be up to you and your baby how you feel most comfortable with the change. Keep in mind that abusing the bottle is not positive either, it could cause oral alterations according to a study published in Brazilian Oral Research.

feeding bottle

Things you should not do

There are some things you should NOT do with your baby:

  • Apply honey or sweeteners to the nipple or milk.
  • Make the change to the bottle just when you are going to stop breastfeeding, that is, do not do a double change: bottle and formula.
  • Being inconsistent, this is trying occasionally.
  • Try all the strategies they give you, trust your pediatrician or your lactation consultant.

To keep in mind about the bottle

You must be attentive to the position in which your baby takes the bottle. Make sure it has a certain inclination as it would happen in your arms. Never lay it completely horizontal in the crib or on your bed, in addition to running the risk of drowning, a portion of the milk can go into the ear canals and cause frequent otitis.

Make sure to choose good quality bottles, nipples, and accessories. Get advice before buying.

Keep in mind that you must properly sterilize the bottles, nipples and all the accessories of the breast pump that are in contact with it. You can do it with a commercial sterilizer or simply by boiling for 10 minutes in clean water.

The bottle must also have a delivery deadline! Between 12 and 16 months is a good time to say goodbye to home.

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