Wonder Ponder Project Or How To Introduce Critical Thinking In The Child

Discovering initiatives such as the Wonder Ponder Project and observing how they introduce critical thinking in the child is refreshing, hence we echo many of the tools they offer.
Wonder Ponder project or how to introduce critical thinking in the child

Educating children in critical thinking is a concern that more moms and dads have every day. Precisely, as a response to this situation, the Wonder Ponder Project was born a few years ago.

This project was based, initially, on the creation of the Wonder Ponder Publishing House. This editorial based its purpose on the approach of philosophy to children of various ideas, from the youngest to the young.

Since then, this publishing house, and the entire project behind it, has published a good number of works focused on the world of philosophy for children.

In this way, an interesting result can be obtained so that the smallest of the house understand philosophy as something necessary, which helps them and teaches them to think critically, developing with greater security in today’s world.

The Wonder Ponder Project

However, this project has not stopped growing since its inception. Therefore, new functionalities and ramifications have appeared every time, beyond its operation as a mere traditional publisher that edits and publishes books for a specific audience.

Child learning about philosophy thanks to the Wonder Ponder Project.

One of the latest tools born under the umbrella of the project is the Wonder Ponder Academy . Totally online , it focuses its functionality on the relationship of visual philosophy with children, initially, although it also adds interesting themes in relation to the aforementioned philosophy, such as literature or art, both mixed and separately.

That is, after more than half a decade bringing the world of philosophy closer to children and their parents, they now open the range by offering more specialized training focused on various disciplines and their relationship with thought, criticism and the philosophical vision of the world..

In addition, they also investigate, publishing, occasionally, really interesting studies related to philosophy in the child’s world, its possible applications, the best ways to get it, etc.

Other Philosophy Tools

This project does not stop working or growing for a single day. For this reason, they constantly develop the training and courses necessary to introduce children to the philosophical world of critical thinking.

Some of the most useful tools are the knowledge of certain resources, such as the use of questions and dialogue in the classroom, for example.

But there are more management tools that take advantage of this project. A very interesting one is the use of bibliography. And it is that they transform traditional philosophy books into works that allow a huge generation of questions and questions, as well as rich inquiries that arouse the curiosity of young and old while reading.

To improve in the field of children’s reading, they also develop specialized courses in the analysis of specific authors who have managed to combine the story and philosophy in their work. This is the case of Sendak, the famous creator of Where the Monsters Live . And, together with him, they analyze others, such as Nöstlinger, Lobel or Steig.

Child developing his creativity.

More philosophical resources

For the child to discover critical thinking, the Wonder Ponder Project introduces other literary tools, courses and instruments. An example of this can be  shared readings aloud or editions of the history of children’s literature.

Thanks to these resources, adults can explore the philosophical world behind children’s literature and bring it to the minds of children in an entertaining, fun and informative way. Thus, they learn to build their mental tools to exercise critical and objective thinking in their day-to-day life.

All this is achieved using tools such as the aforementioned shared reading aloud, knowing in depth children’s reading, etc. Thus, the little ones gain in experience and, in turn, do not lose that innocence that characterizes them; they mature earlier and learn to select with confidence.

Without a doubt, initiatives such as the Wonder Ponder Project are really interesting for the optimal formation and development of the child. Thanks to its activities and its constant training and research offer, together we can ensure that the smallest of the house have confidence in their possibilities and become autonomous people. All this focused from a critical point of view, but, at the same time, sensible.

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