How To Avoid Overprotection?

How to avoid overprotection?

Overprotection is not something that parents usually avoid, on the contrary, it exists because it occurs naturally and sometimes unconsciously. Most parents tend to overprotect their children in some way, although it is something that can be understood as harmless, sometimes it is exaggerated and could cause unwanted consequences in children.

The paternal effort to keep their children fully cared for is appreciated, children deserve it and need it; In addition, it is a responsibility of the parents. However, there comes a time when the little ones must become independent, responsible, aware and capable of solving most of their issues.

Teaching children to fend for themselves is the best gift we can give them, therefore, overprotection is something we recommend avoiding. Although we know that our help is very valuable in the development of children, we must be aware that we will not always be in a position to help them ; therefore, it is important that they are able to get by without us.

Overprotection can be avoided

The first step to avoid falling into excesses when protecting our child, is treating him as a capable being, who deserves to learn. Being aware that it is our obligation to teach them to function in life can improve the implications of our role; If this costs us, let us know that we can accompany them closely in the process and we can be proud of seeing how they become independent people.

Leaving certain obligations in the hands of children is an important step to ensure that they learn basic issues of coexistence and subsistence, in addition, it allows us to observe their capacities. Once we are sure that there are many things that the little one can do on their own without risk, our fear will soon begin to disappear and consequently, also the overprotection.

Overprotecting children can have consequences in their behavior and development, because they tend to become insecure people with few skills to assume future responsibilities. Similarly, they may develop a low tolerance for criticism, do not accept their mistakes, and end up blaming others for their mistakes.

In any case, if you feel that you are part of the group of overprotective parents or want to avoid it happening to you, these recommendations can be useful to improve this situation:

  • Teach them the value of things. Sometimes parents believe that by giving children everything they ask for, they will grow up happy; however, it is a frequent mistake. Indulging them too much in their desires is a common way to overprotect them ; but it prevents the little ones from learning the value of the things they receive, because they make no effort to earn them
  • Help them deal with frustration. It is common for overprotected children to have problems accepting their mistakes and low tolerance when they are not granted what they ask for. If we have overprotected them, they will have to start from scratch, so maybe not everything will work out at first, so it is important that they know how to handle the feeling caused by failure, so we will not have to come to their rescue.
    • Give them the opportunity to learn for themselves. Children are capable of getting ahead on their own in many aspects, we can believe that they are fragile or that they will not know how to act in a certain situation, but if we have set a good example, they will surely be victorious. Let’s remember that some problems that arise can be solved by them, let’s give them the opportunity to do so
    • Let them take responsibility for their actions. No matter how well behaved children are, they will always do some mischief or make simple mistakes, this can be used to teach them that our actions have consequences. Let’s avoid solving their problems when they are directly responsible, so that they understand that in the future they will not have someone to solve everything for them.
    • Do activities with them so that they learn and so that you can see how it unfolds on its own. Making useful crafts are important to develop your imaginations and abilities
    • Let’s not be afraid to let them discover the world, let’s maintain a position of accompaniment, observing their steps without having to intervene at all times.

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