5 Activities To Work On Reading With Children

In a world of screens and stimuli, it is difficult for children to concentrate for a while to sit and read a book. However, if we awaken this passion from childhood, you will be able to take advantage of its great benefits.
5 activities to work on reading with children

As parents, we have the possibility and the duty to collaborate with our children in all aspects of their education. A very important one is the habit of reading, although it is often underestimated. In this article, we offer you some activities to work on reading with children.

It is increasingly common to hear parents who take lightly the fact that their children do not approach books, even by chance. True, they cannot force them to do so.

However, they shouldn’t give up just like that either. Although it is true that it is not a skill that will determine their chances of being ‘successful’ in their lives, reading is a skill and a habit that offers many benefits ; especially if it is practiced from childhood.

So it is up to us to make the effort as responsible seniors and show the little ones the way to discover the wonderful pleasure of reading a book. These activities to work on reading with children can be very useful.

5 activities to work on reading with children

Of course, there are also parents who worry if their children do not like to read. Both for them and for the rest of the elderly, we present several alternatives.

All the activities that we will discuss here are based on the company of adults. This is a fundamental and unavoidable aspect to motivate children to read and to improve on this subject.

1. Discuss what you read

Ask him to read a text and talk with him about the words that came easy for him and the ones that cost him a little more. For example, if she has read the word ‘ball’ easily, ask her how she identified it, what other words sound the same, and which letters she recognizes in their makeup.

On the other hand, in those that cost a little more, help him to recognize each phoneme, associate it with other words and, if necessary, understand its meaning well.

Working on reading with children will encourage them to take it up as a hobby.

2. Night reading

It is a classic method, but perhaps one of the most effective when working on reading with children and consists of the following: before your little one goes to sleep, sit next to him and read at least a few paragraphs of a story that you like.

This will promote the creation of a habit that can persist or that you can recover in the future. In addition, it means excellent quality time to share between mother and son.

3. Reading comprehension activities

Although they are a very common method in the classroom, it can also be applied at home, in a relaxed way. In fact, you can try to make it as fun as possible, so that the child thinks that he is playing and not working one of his basic cognitive abilities.

Before you start reading a story —together—, discuss the title and discuss what might happen. As the story unfolds, ask him what he thinks of each character, how he would act in that situation, or about any details that occur to you. The important thing is to interact and put your thinking skills to the test.

Finally, discuss the ending of the story, how he would have ended it, and if he liked the story. Also, of course, try to get him to read as much text as possible.

4. Any complement works

A central factor in preventing your child from enjoying reading may be that he or she finds it boring. Therefore, you will need to work to reverse that concept.

Any ideas:

  • Use voices, costumes, or masks when reading a story together.
  • You can also use puppets or marionettes to act out a story they have read.
  • Add additional activities related to the book. For example, if it was about animals, take it to the zoo; If it was about sports, go to the park to practice it the next day.
  • Visit libraries or bookstores together, to connect him with the environment and so that he can choose new stories.
  • If he’s old and comfortable, consider taking him to a reading workshop.

    With these measures, your child will stop seeing reading as something to shut up and spend time alone. You will understand that you understand much more than that and that it is therefore worth a try and see what it is all about.

    The activities to work on reading with children will make you spend great moments with them.

    5. Letter to the author of your favorite book

    If your child is fond of a particular story and the author is contemporary, a great idea would be to write him a letter. In it, you can tell him what he liked about the book, what the boy’s favorite character is, and even ask him questions. For example: what motivated each of the actions that make up the work.

    For the child it will be something very new and interesting; This may enhance your interest in other similar works. To achieve this, you can use social networks or do it the old way and send a letter to the publisher so that they can send it to the writer.

    The activities to work on reading with children mainly seek to awaken their interest in books. If they read well or badly, it is secondary; If they like it, with time and with your help they will learn. However, if there is no motivation and if they do not have an example to follow at home, they are hardly inclined to this activity.

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