How To Deal With Anger In Children

Children may feel overwhelmed or frustrated and, not knowing how to handle their emotions, erupt into an episode of anger.
How to deal with anger in children

The vast majority of young children experience bouts of temper tantrums and anger that sometimes cause them to act too aggressive. Here are some keys to learning how to deal with anger in children.

Identifying anger in children is not very difficult. However, we may be taking this type of tantrum as a daily attitude and this can trigger a problem that comes from long before and we may not have realized it.

When you are a child, it is normal that you still do not have perfect control of impulses or feelings.  Here are some clear signs of when a simple tantrum turns into more than just anger.

How to identify anger in children:

  • If problems are occurring at school.
  • If your anger and aggressiveness affect family life.
  • If this behavior is a cause of danger for the people around him and even for himself.
  • If the tantrums last over time and become a constant defense mechanism.
  • If you increase your aggressiveness more when you feel that you can no longer maintain control of yourself.
  • This behavior interferes with the child’s personality and prevents him from establishing relationships with others. As well as, there is a clear exclusion in activities such as games or birthdays.
How to deal with anger in children.

Anger in children and suffering

It is proven that anger in children is a sign of suffering. Their anger and aggressiveness are ways of defending themselves from the world and from themselves. The first step to understanding the reason for anger in children is to understand what is the main reason that conditions the child to behave in this way. There are many causes that can trigger this feeling, among which are the following.

Attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder

More and more children present symptoms of ADHD, to a greater extent in those who are impulsive or hyperactive, who have special difficulty controlling their behavior.

These children diagnosed with this disorder have an inability to concentrate when doing their daily tasks. This simple fact does not necessarily imply that they are diagnosed with ADHD. What’s more, this type of disorder is often overlooked and leads to more noticeable and aggressive behaviors.


Most children who are continually rebellious and angry confirm that they are suffering from severe anxiety that has not been identified.

Normally, it is about camouflaging since it shows difficulty to bear situations that it does not like and that distress it. The clearest sign is that he is trying to flee, because he is overwhelmed by a terrible fear.

Trauma or neglect

Result of misconduct at school or in the family.

Sensory processing issues

Some children have a harder time processing sensory information from the space around them. If you perceive that your child is especially sensitive or, on the contrary, barely sensitive to stimulation. For example, on the matter of textures or temperatures and you feel overwhelmed and tend to be distracted.

This can be the reason for the presence of severe anxiety that you had not yet noticed and it is necessary to solve as soon as possible so that it does not become a more serious or chronic problem.


There are children who are positioned in the level of disorder of the autism spectrum are also quite prone to suffer an emotional crisis.

Maybe what your child is asking for is a routine that makes him feel more self-confident. In addition, it presents difficulties because it may affect the child’s ability to communicate and convey his feelings at all times.

Coping with anger in children does not require being aggressive or yelling.

How can I help my son ?

Parents are the first agents that can interfere with the child’s behavior. The following points show how anger can be controlled in children:

  • Helping them empathize with the world.
  • Making them see that you can allow any feeling but not any behavior. That is, you can get angry but without taking the situation out of context.
  • Teaching them guidelines to manage that stress. Exercising, reading, thinking about positive things … etc., that relaxes them and makes them move away from what annoys them.
  • Warning them to take deep breaths.

In conclusion, anger in children is not something that is only due to poor parenting or caprice. We must help them learn to control impulses so that they do not become a more serious problem.

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