Keys To Improve Children’s Concentration

If you notice that your child is easily confused, we recommend using some tips to improve his concentration. Many of them are simple and will even be fun for you. Find out in the following article.
Keys to improving children's concentration

Today, little ones perform many tasks at the same time and incessant distractions affect their attention. Due to this difficulty in fixing their interest, we have prepared a list of keys to improve children’s concentration that we are sure can be of great help.

Undoubtedly, the main reason children have trouble concentrating is because they are wired differently from adults. In this sense, when the task at hand is not fun, they get bored and divert their attention to something more interesting.

Concentration is like a muscle that needs daily exercise. It is true that some children are born with more ability to concentrate than others, but the important thing is that everyone can strengthen this ability if they carry out the right strategies to improve children’s concentration.

Certainly helping little ones improve concentration will allow them to develop self-discipline and effective focus at an early stage.

On the other hand, having good attention span is something that will help you be successful in the long run, whether it’s in high school, during college, or throughout your career.

Keys to improving children’s concentration

If you want to improve children’s concentration, we are convinced that the following tips will help you. Take note!

1. Eat healthy food and hydrate properly

The first tip is to include healthy foods in their diet, as these have a direct link with the child’s concentration. Good nutrition is important, especially among growing children; has a profound effect on energy levels and concentration skills, as well as health and body weight.

In that sense, you must make sure that your child eats in a balanced way and include foods from the four main groups in his diet;  This will help your brain function, allowing you to concentrate for longer.

Likewise, drinking water is also very important for the brain. The reason is that dehydration has a clear impact on concentration.

Some children need to improve their concentration to achieve positive results in school.

2. Get the right rest

Undeniably, children can concentrate better after a good night’s rest. In addition, adequate naps and breaks refresh the mind and increase concentration.

A nap of approximately twenty minutes, either after school or in the afternoon, is an ideal trick to increase the concentration of the little ones. Also, establishing a designated bedtime from an early age helps them get into a regular routine and adhere to designated rest times.

“Things start to fit together with absolute perfection when we are focused on what we want”
–Paulo Coelho–

3. Set short-term goals

As a mother, you need to set short-term goals in order to improve children’s concentration. We advise you to set a time limit to complete an objective. For example, if they are studying, you can suggest that they learn a certain number of pages in a twenty minute interval.

Also, keep in mind that while some children thrive on short-term time goals, others may feel pressured and  anxious; consequently, they lose the focus of concentration.

4. Allow time for distractions

You should let the child take time for distractions. It is positive that you discharge your energy once you have finished the tasks;  it will help you focus better on the next activity.

The aim is for the child to be as focused as possible; Therefore, it is good that you entertain yourself and have fun beforehand with activities that arouse your interest. Of course, once you get back to work, you should avoid some distractions such as television, music, among others.

Improving children's concentration is possible and very convenient.

5. Exercise

The last tip is that the child practice sports activities. Exercise helps the brain stay oxygenated and fit. Any form of training increases your heart rate, which gets the blood flowing to your brain and thus keeps your memory sharp.

At least 30 minutes a day is very positive for the little one. Whether it’s running, swimming, dancing, or cycling, they are all activities that benefit brain health, cognition, and even help enlarge the hippocampus; that is, the catalyst for long-term memory in the brain.

Like any skill, concentration can be improved. The trick is to be consistent and put into practice some keys to improve children’s concentration. We are convinced that your child will get positive results!

Guillour method: a way to increase concentration in children

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