Is It True That Nothing Happens If Children Are Not Vaccinated?

Surely more than once you have heard arguments for or against vaccines. But where does this controversy come from and what foundations support each position?
Is it true that nothing happens if children are not vaccinated?

If you are reading this article, it is likely that you have fallen into the controversy of whether or not you should vaccinate children. A question that has become very popular in recent years, due to different arguments from professional doctors who differ when talking about this topic. We analyze why this question arises and what arguments each position has.

Why is this controversy about not vaccinating children born?

Throughout history it has been seen how vaccines have been used to save the lives of people in serious situations, reaching a high level of trust by people.

However, in recent years this has decreased considerably, as some medical professionals have created an anti-vaccine movement that is growing more and more.

This anti-vaccine movement began in 1998 when Dr. Andrew Wakefield wrote an article published in a highly respected journal ( The Lancet ), which became very famous worldwide. The article stated that the MMR vaccine (Measles, Rubella and Mumps) was the cause of autism disorders in 12 children.

However, years later, Dr. Andrew Wakefield lost his medical license, as his conclusions were shown to lack verifiable scientific facts leaving him as a fraud. But even so, the idea of ​​not vaccinating the children remained.

It is important to respect the vaccination schedule.

Arguments for and against vaccines

It is important that in order to view this matter objectively, you understand the following aspects:

  • Both views are supported by professional doctors who have a deep understanding of the immune system or are pediatricians with years of experience.
  • Remember that  each body reacts differently to each treatment.
  • Many of the arguments are not scientifically substantiated. Rather, they are based on polls that are largely unethical and lacking in sincerity.

Arguments Against Vaccines in Children

Most people who are against vaccines say that large organizations such as the UN, UNICEF, CDC and pharmaceutical companies strongly support vaccines, as it is the perfect round robin by which they return children to drugs. -dependents for the rest of their lives, thus earning huge amounts of money.

One of the strong claims against vaccines is that many of them contain body-toxic metals such as mercury so they are not so expensive.

Due to this, it  is said that mercury travels through the blood and ends up staying in the brain through the fat it contains, which causes serious diseases or disorders in children, such as autism or cancer, among others.

Survey-based studies, such as the KIGGS study, have shown that the difference between the number of unvaccinated sick children and vaccinated sick children is not very significant, which is why it is claimed that vaccines are not entirely necessary .

On the other hand, Sergio Cordova (Director of the Center Ohani) comments that are not required vaccines in children, because it really the best is to strengthen the immune system of the child through natural methods, considering that traditional medicine does not take into account the biochemical, electromagnetic and energetic health effects, all of them very important.

MMR Vaccine Helps Prevent Rubella at an Early Age

Arguments for Vaccines in Children

Most children are already vaccinated, and for this reason, diseases such as measles, mumps or rubella, among others, have been almost completely eradicated in populations that accept vaccines , and the truth is, there is no no evidence to the contrary.

Trying to develop a high immune system in the child through exercise routines, diets and natural medicine is very expensive and risky, and this is very logical because the human tendency is to be careless and to get sick. For these reasons, not vaccinating children would be life-threatening.

Vaccines are endorsed by most doctors, universities, and organizations, who guarantee the effectiveness of vaccination schedules for children.

Therefore, taking into account both points of view, it is important that together with your trusted pediatrician you analyze why vaccinating or not vaccinating children is the most appropriate for your children.

Things to remember about vaccines

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