Advantages And Disadvantages Of Encouraging Your Child To Be A Perfectionist

Perfectionism can be very useful in some aspects, but like everything in life, you have to be careful with excesses. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of being a perfectionist below.
Advantages and disadvantages of encouraging your child to be a perfectionist

Being a perfectionist is a way of doing things and wanting to see life in a perfected way. It is the idea that everything can and should be improved until it is perfect. Perfectionists see incomplete everything that does not reach their level of exquisiteness and feel the need to change it until they obtain the result they want and need.

There are diverse opinions about the many advantages and disadvantages of being a perfectionist. In our case, we consider that the key is to balance the spirit of exquisiteness and assess what should and can be perfected and what is not so necessary.

Advantages of being a perfectionist

Mom, you should know that your child’s perfectionism can:

  • Lead you straight to success and unimaginable achievements
  • Keep you motivated
  • Encourage you to be creative
  • Encourage your effort and make sure you do not shy away from the many obstacles that you will encounter. Will make you persistent
  • Set a higher goal for yourself
  • Hone your reasoning
  • Avoid being easily disappointed
  • Teach you about consistency, responsibility, and commitment
  • Keep you away from procrastination
  • Make your concentration improve
  • Motivate you towards study and research

Disadvantages of being a perfectionist

If you encourage your child to be a perfectionist, you can lead him to:

  • Have low productivity in your tasks. Every time you focus on perfecting one of them, you will abandon the others.
  • Develop radical thoughts: all or nothing, what I do works or does not work. There is no middle ground.
  • The Depression. When you direct all your energy and time on a single goal and you cannot fulfill your wish, sadness and disappointment can invade you.
  • The obsession.
  • Antipathy to everything that surrounds him (family, homework, responsibilities as a family member, recreation, friends …) and whatever is not the object in question.
  • Dissatisfaction You won’t feel comfortable if you don’t meet the highest standards.
  • You have long periods of work or study and do not get enough rest.
  • Suffer from anxiety
  • Individualism. As only I am a perfectionist, only me to do it well.
  • May you develop fear of failure and take this to high levels turning it more than fear into terror.
  • Setting goals beyond your means, or even totally unattainable.
  • Unhappiness

Advantages and disadvantages of encouraging your child to be a perfectionist

Mom, perfectionism accompanies the human being from its very birth and enhanced its survival. But in addition to being hereditary, being a perfectionist is created, molded, especially from the first years of life.

As we told you from the beginning, no one can say that being a perfectionist is wrong or right, because this human quality has given more than enough reason to occupy the lists of pros and cons over the years.

Then it remains to know when to encourage your child to be a perfectionist by offering him the many advantages and disadvantages that he will have with that aptitude.

In particular, we consider that you must first know him, stop to study his behavior and help him in each of the cases. Let’s say:

If you notice that your child is a perfectionist, we believe that you should show him how to reverse all the evil that perfectionism can do to him. For example, remind him that there are other equally important tasks to accomplish, that even when he does not reach perfection, his work can be profitable and completely beautiful, and that he should feel happy that he tried hard and given his best even if in the end he did not achieve its objective.

You have to help him not to be so obsessive and get him out of it by showing him that as a child he should play, go out with his friends, give and receive the love of his family, rest …

Otherwise, if you observe that being a perfectionist matters very little, it is good that you instill in him some of the many advantages that this human quality has, such as: motivation, perseverance, creativity and responsibility.

That is to say, your role will be to achieve a balance so that you make your own the best that perfection has to give you and discard the negative. It’s hard to find the middle ground, but with your advice and supervision, we hope they will.

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