Children Who Do Not Want To Do Homework: What To Do?

Sometimes, parents do not know what to do when our children do not want to do their homework and each day becomes a real odyssey. Children need to be motivated and not feel like they are an obligation.
Children who do not want to do their homework: what to do?

When children don’t want to do their homework, it becomes a real odyssey. Bad faces, crying, disinterest, distractions with anything … All this ends up ending our patience.

Children are increasingly unmotivated when it comes to doing homework at home. They see it as something boring and what they are obliged to do, so it is necessary to change this perception they have and help them have fun and enjoy while learning.

Therefore, it is important to find some ideas for children to motivate themselves when doing homework at home. Here we tell you what you can do when children do not want to do their homework.

Child getting tired because he does not want to do homework.

Some reasons why there are children who do not want to do their homework

Children like to be praised and are proud when they demonstrate their abilities. But the vast majority do not like to do homework, and this may be due, above all, to three reasons:

  • Out of laziness, because after a long day at school they arrive tired and unwilling to do homework.
  • They are not interested and this makes them unmotivated. Like everyone else, when there is something that we do not like, we delay it to avoid doing it and we start with another activity that interests us more
  • Because of the difficulty. If there is something that is difficult for us, we also leave it behind, then, it is difficult for children to get on, especially when homework is complicated and they don’t know how to do it.

Children who do not want to do homework: what can we do?

Here are some suggestions to carry out with the little ones in the house when they don’t want to do their homework.

Give him a break and look at his schedule

Nor is it convenient to have an overloaded schedule. The children, apart from doing homework, they need to play, run, and enjoy while learning, but that must have time. Therefore, you have to let them rest for a while before starting to do their homework.

Create a routine at home and carry it out every day

Together we can choose when it is best to do homework, but afterwards you always have to have time to do whatever you want. We must always respect this routine so that it becomes a habit.

Take into account their state of mind when they do not want to do their homework

If the child is irritated, angry or sad and has trouble doing homework, we need to encourage him before we tell him to do his homework. If you do them in this state, you will not be able to concentrate.

Talk to him about why he doesn’t want to do his homework

You may not be lazy and you really have a learning disability or even the task is difficult for you and you don’t understand. To do this, we must speak and ask to be able to solve it.

Be patient when children don’t want to do homework

If the child associates homework with something negative, he will object to doing it. Therefore, it is better to be calm and fill ourselves with patience to help them do their homework and not end up in yelling.

Punish him never

The only thing punishments can do is make the situation worse and the little one ends up associating homework with something negative, so he will not want to do it. It is more convenient to reward him when he starts doing them without saying anything, but not with something material, such as, for example, a little more playing, playing with him, choosing which movie to watch, etc.

Girl doing homework frustrated by her excessive perfectionism.

Not doing homework

Sometimes it is complicated; When we see that our son has been watching the exercise for an hour and has not started yet, many parents end up taking the pencil and doing the exercise ourselves.

But this we must not do. First, because in the end the teacher will not know what he does not know how to do and, second, because if we have done it to him and he knows that it is okay, he will not pay attention when correcting in class.

When we see that it gets stuck, we will explain how it is done and we will try to help you or leave it blank and have the teacher in class explain it to you again.

Help you understand what to do

Many times, they feel lost because they do not know what to do and, therefore, they refuse to do their homework. We have to explain what they should do and how, this way, it will be easier for them to do it.

In short, you have already seen some keys to put into practice when children do not want to do their homework. This can be a frustration for parents and an ordeal for children, but you have to organize it and do everything possible so that they enjoy doing their homework.

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