The GI Effect In Adolescence

Instagram tops the list of social networks that pose the greatest risks, followed by Snapchat and Facebook; Twitter and Youtube are the best rated. In each case, it is important to be alert to strangers or to the sensations that are generated by these practices.
The GI effect in adolescence

Anguish, depression and anxiety. The GI effect in adolescence, a term that comes from the word Instagram, can be very harmful; not only because of the risks to which they are exposed, but also because of the feelings that this social network encourages.

A network that grows day by day

The accelerated growth of Instagram has no brake. The ability to share images is something teens are passionate about, even if it means sacrificing privacy. This famous social network allows young people to show everything they want to publicize in one place.

It is a network to promote interpersonal relationships, with the risks that this implies. In practice, this platform  with more than eight million followers in Spain alone, is a place to express yourself. This is how its users do it, most of them between the ages of 16 and 30.

Assessment or external recognition is essential for the adolescent. Some confuse affection with likes  (‘I like’) in their photos, others link them with popularity. If the number of likes is low, they prefer to delete the photo rather than admit that it was not effective.

It is also recognized as a space to seek one’s own identity and provide emotional support. Relationships are created in different communities, but the risks are exponentially greater.

Bullying, a risk of the GI effect in adolescence

Bullying can be one of the consequences of exposing aspects of life in this social network. Anguish and anxiety, which can trigger depression, are other risks when intimacies are shown to so many people. Fear of criticism arises and discomfort increases.

New IG features add to the problem. The fact of sharing stories on user profiles attracts more followers every day. This is precisely what young people value: the number of followers they have and the number of likes their photos receive.

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The photos with the most likes

The adolescent also evaluates what type of photos receives the most likes,  which are nothing more than signs of approval from other users. If it is one in which he appears alone, it denotes recognition, but also a narcissistic attitude. If they are for events or meetings, they give them more representativeness.

Beware of strangers

Every day the number of teenagers who accept followers whom they do not know grows. The important thing for them is to increase the number; many young people have high numbers of followers, which generates a commitment to keep updates. This can trigger episodes of distress.

The risk lies in the objective of these strangers; who they are and what they are looking for are questions that should be forced. It has happened that photos posted on the social network end up being used for other purposes; many times for cyber bullying, which afflicts a large number of adolescents in the world.

Depression in doors

A young person can experience a deep depression if their photos are exposed in a degrading way. Once the content goes viral, there is no way to stop it; some teens even consider drastic exits (such as self-flagellation or addictions) as a way to escape from that reality.

The ideal way to reduce the GI effect in adolescence is family and even professional orientation  for adolescents who suffer bullying or experience feelings of great anguish due to being immersed in this social network.

Mental health at risk

With every foray into IG, well-being and mental health can be at risk. It is a complex age due to the vulnerabilities of adolescents; If the young person spends more than two hours in that social network, they are more prone to psychological conditions and, especially, to suffer from anxiety, anguish and even depression.

Self-centeredness in adolescence.

The hours of sleep decrease significantly, their self-esteem is affected and the questioning about the body figure increases. Then a very pessimistic view of life begins to emerge.

Many young people, to avoid rejection or criticism, edit their photos and incorporate filters to improve their image. It also increases the fear of losing recognition; the fear of being victims of cyberbullying is always latent.

The GI effect in adolescence can be very harmful if you are not aware of how it should be addressed. The guarantee of preserving privacy is a way to avoid major inconveniences; The treatment with known people or with solvency in the network is another recommendation.

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