Children’s Books To Eliminate Prejudices

Eliminating and eradicating stereotypes and prejudices is an essential aspect that must be addressed from childhood
Children's books to eliminate prejudices

Although it may seem like a cliché, educating in values ​​from childhood is essential. Teaching values ​​and getting children to understand them can be a complex task. For this reason, today we will show you a series of children’s books to eliminate prejudices with which we will help the little ones to develop a good personality based on respect, education and helping others.

However, parents and educators should be aware that, before using this tool,  the first thing to do is ‘lead by example’, since it must be taken into account that children imitate everything that their elders do. they have around them perform.

Next, we show you these children’s books to eliminate prejudices, to eradicate stereotypes and to teach our little ones a series of necessary values.

Children’s books to eliminate prejudices

1. Luca’s wig

A fantastic children’s book to eliminate prejudices based on a true story. The protagonist of the story, Luca, I don’t understand why they laugh at him at school. The reason for these laughs is that Luca loves to wear long hair, dress up, and wear a pink wig. However, her classmates tell her that she ‘only does girlish things’.

Children's books to eliminate prejudices.

A book that will make us reflect on stereotypes and prejudices towards a person’s tastes when faced with Luca’s questions. Why are there things for boys and things for girls, and you have to choose between one and the other? 

It is also an ideal book to work in the classroom since, being part of an educational project, it has a didactic guide aimed at early childhood and primary education to work in a playful way on gender roles and stereotypes. 

2. The girl who didn’t want to brush her hair

“I am so”. That is the motto of the protagonist of this story, who refuses to comb her curly hair. A book that will help address different topics: children’s self-esteem, the right to be who they want to be, as well as relationships with others and children’s personal hygiene.

A very colorful and striking illustrations with a very well structured story will help children understand where they should set the limits in the face of harmful responses towards them.

3. The different dragon

How do you imagine a dragon? Surely you have thought of a large, wild, fierce animal that is very scary. And this is what this fantastic story wants to show: eliminate prejudices and stereotypes. Because the dragon in this story is different and does not want to be any of that, but totally different.

A wonderful book both for its illustrations and for the messages it wants to show. In the first place,  the breaking of stereotypes we were talking about. Second, the visibility of an ‘atypical’ family made up of two mothers and their son. This also makes it possible to eradicate stereotypes towards the idea of ​​family that has been had until a few years ago.

Children's books to eliminate prejudices.

More children’s books to eliminate prejudices

4. Once Upon a Time Collection

Although we have already talked about this fantastic collection of stories in another post , it is one of the best collections to eliminate prejudices. Once Upon a Time is a collection of classic ‘restructured’ children’s stories in which princesses can fend for themselves, they don’t want princes to support them and they fight against everything.

5. Black eyes,  another of the children’s books to eliminate prejudices

A funny story to deal with a serious topic such as being prejudiced. Everyone in the Calatayud family has olive green eyes. However, when her last child is born… He has black eyes!

The child’s parents’ concern is so great that they decide to put dark glasses on him so that no one notices the color of his eyes, because everyone knows that people’s eyes must be olive green.

A series of questions will come to the minds of the readers and that of the protagonist: What happens to have the eyes of a different color? Is it bad to be different from others? Why should we all follow the same pattern? An ideal book to reflect on the breaking of prejudices and the elimination of stereotypes.

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