8 Dangers Of Overprotection

Worrying about the safety of our children and preventing any risk at all costs is an attitude that walks dangerously along the edge of not beneficial overprotection. If you want to know the consequences that this implies, we invite you to continue reading this text.
8 dangers of overprotection

Parenting has never been easy and everyone experiences it differently. What is certain is that they always coincide in the search for the welfare of the smallest of the home;  in some cases, in an over-limited way and ignoring the dangers of overprotection.

Being overly dedicated to protecting children from any latent danger in their environment  means that many parents can see threats where there are none. As a result, they are constantly alarmed and want to put their little ones in glass bubbles.

It is true that children can be left defenseless in some situations, requiring a great deal of care and affection, but they also need to begin to learn to solve difficulties on their own. In this way, they develop autonomy and personality.

The character forged in a child who has experienced excesses of care influences his personality, which is very difficult to change in the next stages of his life. This, of course, brings with it some difficulties.

Dangers of overprotection

1. Low self-esteem

Self-esteem is something that children develop as they test themselves when facing difficulties, whether they overcome them or not; if they never have the opportunity to do so, due to protective upbringing, then they will not be able to gain confidence.

This quality  will always be in decline if the parents do not allow the child to develop. When this has happened, the boy does not know his abilities or develop his courage to face the problems of everyday life.

Overprotection and hyperpaternity are closely linked.

2. Impatience

When parents don’t allow their little ones to do things for themselves, they don’t understand the value of work; For these children, it is enough to ask for what they want and they will get it. These types of actions promote a lack of empathy and spoiledness, expressed in crying and tantrums.

3. They become dependent on parents

Parents, wanting to facilitate all the activities of life in a practical way and without problems for their children, promote an excess of dependence in them.

Children cannot solve their difficulties without the help of their parents, which affects their autonomy and independence. This behavior can carry you through even after adolescence.

4. They develop fear and insecurity

Fathers and mothers who go too far in protecting their children for fear that something bad will happen to them transmit fear and insecurity to them. Not knowing how to navigate the world, they begin to see everything as a threat and even develop social phobia. If we give our little ones  an overprotective upbringing, we make them become insecure people.

Contrary to the aforementioned, they must be given the opportunity to realize for themselves that they may be able to achieve what they set out to do.

5. They limit their learning

Learning comes from experimenting and making mistakes. From infancy, children begin to make mistakes and achieve successes and failures. That is when they should be taught the techniques to solve the difficulties of daily life, so that, in the future, they become responsible adults.

6. They do not tolerate failure

From a young age, these kids have someone to solve their problems and even make decisions for them, preventing them from making mistakes ; It is there when these actions become one of the dangers of overprotection, since the parents have not allowed them to experience failure; later, when they have to face it, they don’t know how to handle the situation.

7. Behavioral problems

The lack of self-esteem generated by excessive care can lead to behavior problems in the next stages of their lives. They can be presented when socializing with their peers or during classes; it can even affect school performance.

The dangers of overprotection affect different areas of children's lives.

8. They do not know responsibility

From an early age, we must assign responsibilities to our boys.  You do not always have to help them in their daily tasks like sorting their toys and making the bed or making excuses for their mistakes and mistakes ; behaving like this, we would gradually discard the concept of responsibility before them.

The rules should govern their lives from a young age; Thus, they will know that  to live together at home and in society, we must be responsible with our actions. With this we will train good men and women for the future.

Finally, it is important to remember that, no matter how much love is offered to children, it is impossible to prevent them from taking risks, having failures and suffering. In life there are many battles to be fought, so we must prepare them so that they are able to overcome any obstacle.  To do this, the dangers of overprotection must be avoided at all costs.

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