How To Educate In The Responsible Use Of Social Networks

New technologies, the internet and social networks are tools that, well used, can be beneficial. Find out how to guide your child to use them responsibly.
How to educate in the responsible use of social networks

Today’s children are digital natives, so the internet is an important part of their way of relating and understanding the world. Although we want to avoid it, the immersion of the last generations in new technologies is complete and inexorable. Therefore, the smartest and most advisable thing to do is that, as parents, we guide them in a responsible use of social networks.

Many parents still hold great prejudices regarding the digital world and consider it something negative and harmful for their children. However, this is just one more tool that we have and that, used properly, can bring great benefits.

There is no use demonizing social networks or flatly denying that our children come into contact with them, since, one way or another, they will end up doing so. Therefore, it is important to get involved in the process and give them a good education about it.

Keys to educate on the responsible use of social networks

Girl with the computer consulting her social networks.

Get to know them

The speed with which new applications and social networks for entertainment for young people emerge is dizzying. This may seem totally foreign to adults, but it is essential to know what they are and how they work.

In this way, when your child talks to you about any of them, you will know what to expect and you will be able to assess whether or not it is suitable for him and to what extent. In the same way, you will know the privacy options it provides and you will be able to manage its use.

Being interested in the technological means that attract your child’s attention, in the first place, will bring you closer to him. But it will also allow you to understand your communication codes and make sure you use them responsibly.

Talk to your child about safety and privacy

One of the most dangerous aspects of social media is the exposure and lack of privacy that it can bring. Therefore, talk with your child about the importance of keeping their passwords and passwords private, and being careful about the content they show and share.

Talk about specific examples of the kinds of consequences that can result from sharing inappropriate images or revealing personal information, so that they understand its importance.

Likewise, and especially if your son is still very young, suggest that he maintain some supervision over his use of the networks. If he wants to create an account in an application, instead of refusing, offer to accompany him and guide him through the process, keeping a check on its contents.

Explain that this is not an attempt on your part to violate their privacy, but an agreement of mutual trust that you establish between the two of you.

Boosts their self-esteem

For young people it can be easy to fall into the need for approval and dependency generated by social media. Many of them can suffer significant problems derived from the need to like and get positive reactions with their publications, and they can end up feeling really bad if this does not happen.

To avoid this situation, it is vitally important to build healthy and solid self-esteem in your children. Make sure they know their unconditional worth and that they trust themselves.

Parents with their daughter to educate in the responsible use of social networks.

Teach him to select content

Being in a social network does not imply having to consume all the content that it offers or follow the fashions. Explain to your child that they always have the ability and the decision to choose publications that contribute something positive.

Choosing which pages or channels to follow is a privilege that can make a difference from the internet experience. Therefore, encourage him to select positive and enriching content and, above all, to choose for himself.

Communication is key in the responsible use of social networks

Above all, it is essential that you have a bond of closeness and trust with your child and that you communicate with each other in an assertive and respectful way. Don’t try to impose; better listen to their arguments, contribute your opinions and negotiate together.

If your child understands that you are there to accompany and guide them, it will be easier for them to trust you and your criteria than if they perceive that your intention is to deny their wishes.

Thus comunicaos openly about social networks c also omparte with him your own experiences and impressions. In this way, they will feel safe to turn to you with any questions or conflicts.

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