Job Layoffs For Getting Pregnant?

If you are pregnant and you have doubts about how to manage it with your professional life, the following article will surely help you. The law protects you, but you must know how to communicate it on time and always considering your particular contractual situation.
Job layoffs for getting pregnant?

Every year thousands of expectant mothers lose their jobs. Not out of ineptitude, not out of lack of ambition ; much simpler. It is because they suffer discrimination from companies that proceed to carry out job dismissals for getting pregnant by one of their employees.

The pregnancy of a woman represents, beyond the law, a moment of real suspension of the employment relationship between the worker and the employer.

Motherhood and work, unfortunately, do not always go well; It is even common that psychological harassment or dismissal can occur once future mothers have communicated the pregnancy.

The fact that in a few months the worker will be absent from the office for a few weeks comes to the mind of the employer; The matter is so serious that it goes to the point of job layoffs for becoming pregnant at the expense of vocational training.

This is not a choice

Many women are still forced to choose between motherhood and a career. Often, those who force them are men who, physiologically, cannot understand what the desire for motherhood is.

They also do not understand how its completion increases skills and the tendency to multitask without undermining professionalism. In any case, if this happens, it is only because women allow it.

Job layoffs for becoming pregnant can cause great stress for women.

You should know that by officially declaring the pregnancy, you will be able to assert the benefits provided for in the applicable collective agreement in the company ; This will cancel any indication of dismissal from your employer.

In fact, according to labor legislation, it is forbidden to carry out redundancies for becoming pregnant, although there are exceptional cases.

Cases of job dismissals for becoming pregnant

Exceptionally, the dismissal of the pregnant worker is only allowed in the following cases:

  • Serious negligence of the worker:  this falls at the extremes of the so-called just cause to terminate the employment relationship or to have a fight at the company premises.
  • Cessation of the activity of the company or the termination of the service for which the worker was hired or the end of the employment relationship due to the expiration of the term.
  • Negative result of the trial period: in this case, however, if the state of the pregnancy is known, the worker will have the right to obtain exhaustive explanations about the causes of the negative judgment; the purpose is to exclude with reasonable certainty that the resolution of the employment relationship was determined by the status of the woman.

    After reviewing the three reasons why layoffs are allowed for getting pregnant, we want to offer you some tips so that you know when it is better to share the news at work. Thus, you will know how to announce it at the right time.

    “Always carry your beliefs in every area of ​​your life, take your heart to work and expect the best from everyone”
    –Meryl Streep–

    When is it better to communicate that you are pregnant at work?

    Actually, the law does not oblige any woman to communicate her pregnancy status before the seventh month, when future mothers must present the documents to begin maternity leave.

    However, if you have a good relationship with the company, the most consistent thing is to warn it early enough so that they can anticipate and organize. In this way, they will be able to replace your position in the best conditions.

    Job layoffs for getting pregnant are outside the law, in most cases.

    It is important to remember that, in itself, it is the happiest news in the world; Therefore, it is good to face the moment with great serenity of mind and positivism, assuring, perhaps, that if physical conditions allow it, you will continue to carry out the task until the eighth month and that, in addition, you are willing to train the person who will take your place during the absence.

    In any case, it is best to verify the conditions of your contract: some indicate that it must be communicated well before the seventh month. Keep in mind that if you do work that may be dangerous or risky for the good course of the pregnancy, it is good to communicate it as soon as possible to be relocated to safer positions.

    In short, we advise you to be brave and to face your future mother status with pride. Remember that you have many rights and you can enjoy them only if you communicate it at the right time.

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