7 Tricks For Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Learn simple tricks that will help your baby sleep through the night without problem.
7 tricks to make your baby sleep through the night

Getting a baby to sleep through the night is a difficult challenge for many parents, especially during the first few weeks. As their sleeping habits adjust to the new routine, it is common for children to wake up many times within a few hours. Therefore, it is important to establish a healthy routine from the beginning to avoid long-term problems.

In addition, it is not only important that the little ones consolidate appropriate sleep habits, but you   also need a sufficient time of rest.

Therefore, in this article you will find simple, but effective strategies to achieve a night of recovery and relaxation. So you and your partner will be ready to face a new day with recharged energy.

How to get the baby to sleep through the night?

1. Offer him food before putting him to bed

Before going to sleep, check if the baby is ready to take some food, either breast or formula. This  will ensure that the cause of their sleep interruptions is not the need to eat.

Then, put him back in bed and you will see that after dinner he will be awake but sleepy and it will be easier for him to fall asleep for longer.

2. Make it fun

It is completely normal for little ones to resist when it is time to sleep. Establish a fun, organized routine that helps them recognize when to go to bed.

Read a story, spend a few minutes on one last game, and make an illustrated chart of the steps they will take each day before going to bed. Remember that success in building habits depends on perseverance.

Tricks for the baby to sleep through the night.

3. Take them to bed early

You may think that if you take them to bed early they will get up earlier in the morning, but this is not usually the case. In fact, both newborns and children who are around one year of age wake up less often and sleep longer when they go to bed around 8pm.

That is why promoting this routine will help them have less difficulty getting up when they start school.

4. Know the characteristics of each age

Newborns only stay awake quietly for periods of 20-30 minutes. After three or four months, the period will increase to about an hour.

Knowing that, it will be clear to you when you should change his diaper and feed him so that he is ready to take a placid nap and as long as possible.

Other options for the baby to sleep through the night

5. Avoid overstimulating the baby

For a baby who is just coming into the world, everything around him is new and stimulates his senses. Therefore,  at bedtime you should avoid distracting elements in his visual range that do not allow him to cease his activity.

Give it a quiet, clean space, with a pleasant climate and without excessively colorful or noisy objects. In this way, your nervous system will be able to relax soon.

6. Surround him with his blankets so that he sleeps through the night

Another trick to getting your baby to sleep through the night is to arrange their blankets and pillows well. Newborns come from a soft, comfortable and safe environment that made them feel cuddled.

In this order of ideas, it can be deduced that they will be more comfortable and calm if they feel wrapped, as in the belly. In addition, you will prevent them from shedding their blankets during the night and they will stay warm.

7. Help them relax before bed

Like adults, babies need a transition period between activity and sleep. When you take the little one to bed , turn off the televisions, turn down the volume on the music and on your mobile phone. Also make sure the room has low light and a suitable temperature.

Tricks for the baby to sleep through the night.

If you want your baby to sleep through the night, you and your partner should be relaxed enough too. Children sense tension and have a hard time getting to rest when they feel it. Enjoy your little one’s sleeping moment and take advantage of these precious minutes to contemplate and stop your activities for a while.

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